I am almost to the end of the book, Made to Crave: Satisfying Your Deepest Desire with God, Not Food
, by Lysa TerKeurst. It is excellent! I mean, so, so good!
I have to be honest, though. When I first saw this book come out and begin to make its way around the web, I didn’t want to read it. I didn’t want a book that told me to stop eating sweets and start eating vegetables. I already knew that.
But, I kept on seeing this book everywhere…and I think the Lord nudged me to just give it a chance. So, I did. And, let me tell you…it is not the book I thought it was going to be! It is so much more than a “healthy eating plan” type of book. In fact, there isn’t really any type of eating plan in this book!
This book is about acknowledging that we were, indeed, created to crave something. Cravings are not bad. It is what we crave that needs to change. Learning to crave God is what I long for…I want more of Him and less of me. Right now, I have some pretty serious food cravings still going on. Most of them are in the carb/sugar family. I have tried several times in recent months to give it up. Pray for me.
“Crave means to long for; want greatly; desire eagerly. Pursuing holiness means God is the only One we should long for, want greatly, desire eagerly. The only One worth of worship.” from Made to Crave, p. 173.
This book is about learning self-control. I admit, self-control and discipline are something I really struggle with! I haven’t ever been able to regularly get up early. I haven’t ever been able to regularly give up sodas. I continue to go back to my carb addiction time and time again. It has to stop!! Self-control is a fruit of the Spirit!! I have got to put forth some effort on my part and stop justifying. Lysa lists lots of justifications in this book…which, I will admit, I gladly read that someone else justified eating certain foods sometimes. 🙂
This book is about discipline that leads to holiness. When put that way, how can I not want to change the way I eat?? I want to be holy, I want to recognize my body at the temple of the Holy Spirit. I want to be more like Him…and He is holy.
“So, I’m not on a diet. I’m on a journey with Jesus to learn the fine art of self-discipline for the purpose of holiness.” from Made to Crave, p. 158.
This book has encouraged me so much. Lysa describes her cravings for food and her inability to give up sweets in ways that I can totally relate to! I don’t like that others share my struggle, but I do appreciate hearing from others who do struggle because then I know I’m not alone! Her writing about this topic is honest, humble and raw. I can appreciate that so very much.
I share all this on my blog because I am praying and thinking about going through the book Made to Crave here on my blog. I’m not planning to ask anyone to read along with me…if you would like to, that would be awesome! However, I think this is something I need to do for myself as much as for anyone else! I need some accountability!! So, I plan to post through the various chapters as well as give updates on my eating habits.
I also plan to share a few scriptures that I want to memorize through this journey. I have already started on the first one, 1 Cor. 10:13. There are scriptures listed in the book and most of them apply to where I am at perfectly!! So, I want to choose these verses to meditate on and memorize so that I have go-to phrases and words in my head and heart when I am tempted or discouraged!
“No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.” 1 Cor. 10:13
Has anyone else read this book?
What are your thoughts?
Do you struggle with eating certain foods?
What has helped you the most?
Does anyone want to journey along with me?
Has anyone else read this book? Yes!!! It’s FABULOUS!!!
What are your thoughts? If it wasn’t for this book I would still be overweight and battling high blood pressure.
Do you struggle with eating certain foods? Sweets, Ice Cream, Starbucks Flavored Coffees!!
What has helped you the most? Reminding myself that my body is on loan from the Heavenly Father and I should treat it as His temple.
Does anyone want to journey along with me? Absolutely!!!
Kimberly in Florida!
Candace, I share similar struggles. I am very interested!
Cindy (FIAR)
Candace, yes I have read it and I thought it was so so good! I read through it fairly quickly because it’s so good there were times I couldn’t put it down. And now I’m in a place where I’d like to read it again. And yes, I would love to hear your thoughts piece by piece through the book.
I have it in my to-read pile and hope to tackle it this summer. I have only heard good things about it!
The bible study I am doing at church this summer is studying this book. I am excited to talk with women from many backgrounds about Lysa’s words. Thanks for this… it is encouraging to read that this is not “just another diet book!”
Wow! I just passed this book up at LifeWay for Kelly Minter’s new book instead! Now, I am sad I did…but I think Kelly’s book looks great as well. Maybe when I finish hers, this one can be next on my list :).
Candace I came her from Kind Conversation. I ordered the book and wow it is here already and I’m about a quarter of the way done (just got it this afternoon). It looks great and would love to go along with you! Thanks for your great review!