Sunday night at church our pastor talked about how gratitude can be the solution to many problems in our life! One of those is discontentment that leads to covetousness. The more ungrateful we are the more likely we are to complain, be jealous of others and their possessions, and generally be unhappy with our life the way it is.
So for me, learning to be thankful is a journey…it is a journey that I am so very pleased to be on. Can I say that I am thankful to be learning to be more thankful?? ha!! It is so true though, I am so thankful to be on this journey and thankful that the Lord is not finished with me yet!!
This week I’m counting these blessings…
kids swinging and squealing
hubby grilling steaks!!
a beautiful and sweet morning of worship with our church family
tears that come easily
being silly with my kids — I know this sounds odd, but since coming off my Lexapro I noticed 2 different times that I was silly. I haven’t been silly in a very long time…I think the lexapro took the silliness and some of my “extreme” emotions away…I’m thankful for the tears and the silliness today!!
words of encouragement
the book Made to Crave and the lessons God is teaching me through this journey
God’s grace poured out over my life
watching my boy play t-ball
hearing people behind me (that don’t know I’m his mommy) talk about my boy and how he must be “a natural…” hee hee. I loved hearing them talk about him “behind my back” in a good way!!
walks at night with my honey
what a wonderful, glorious, marvelous Savior You are! (our choir song from Sunday that I love, love, loved!!) He IS wonderful!!
how high, how wide, NO MATTER where I am, healing is in Your hands
how deep, how strong, now by Your grace I stand, healing is in Your hands
{I love Christy Nockels’ music…we sang this in church yesterday and I cried through the whole song…healing truly is in HIS hands…He is sovereign…he may choose to never heal me of depression, nevertheless, I WILL PRAISE HIM!!}
#1704 – 1717…many blessings, all gifts, all grace.
beautifully sweet list
Amen! I have found this true over and over–I thankful spirit makes a happy heart.
Love your list. I can relate to it much more than the entries in the “1000 gifts” book. They’re just to poetic for me to relate to.
Love your blog!