This chapter was one of my favorites!! I’m excited to hear from you and see how you are enjoying the book!! Chapter 6 is called Growing Closer to God, and that is one thing that gives me motivation and encouragement on this journey…knowing that I am pleasing Him with my better choices, knowing that this is building self-discipline and holiness in me, this journey is taking me closer to God…that is exciting!!
One of my favorite quotes from the whole book comes from this chapter!! Someone asked Lysa in a conference, “how do you grow closer to God?” And this was her answer…
“By making the choice to deny ourselves something that is permissible but not beneficial. And making this intentional sacrifice for the sole purpose of growing closer to God. After all, Jesus Himself said, ‘if anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.’ (Luke 9:23.) I shared how right now I’m intentionally sacrificing sugar and processed things that turn into sugar in my body once consumed. Yes, I am doing it to get healthy. But, the deeper reason for choosing to purify myself is to help me grow closer to God.” — Lysa TerKeurst, from Made to Crave
, p. 60.
Self control is very hard for me. I do better if I don’t have the “bad” food in my house. And, for a long while now, I have stopped buying sodas…so I don’t drink them!! I actually haven’t had one in a very long time!! Now, sometimes (no more than 1-2 per week) I have a sweet tea when I’m out to eat, but even then I am now asking them to do 1/2 sweet, 1/2 unsweet in my cup. Mostly I drink water these days.
Other than soda, just not eating desserts is hard for me. It seems that everywhere I go, everywhere I turn, there is a party, a family gathering, a picnic at church – and there are TABLES FULL of yummy, delicious desserts. This is my weakness!! I am slooooowly making tiny baby steps in the right direction, though.
I was at a family reunion over the weekend and turned away one of my all time favorites, cheese cake! And, the next day for Father’s Day, I did not eat dessert again – ice cream. Another one of my big weaknesses. I am finding that for now I just need to not eat ANY…to get my body away from the cravings and just to give myself some mental victory. I hope in the future that I can limit myself to little pieces maybe 1x per week or less.
**I did find a yummy treat I thought I’d share! Now, friends, it’s still not broccoli, but every now and then I do need something to make myself not feel like I’m totally depriving myself for the rest of my life. Oh the agony. 🙂
Doesn’t this look so absolutely yummy? It is!! (they have chocolate too, for when you are in that kind of mood!)

Things to share this week::
1. If you have a healthier snack option to share, or any yummy healthy foods that we should try, please share that in the comments section!!
2. Remember to read the comments and pray for each other!! I have each of you (that have commented) in my prayer journal and am praying for you by name!! YOU CAN DO THIS, remember YOU are MADE for MORE!! 🙂
3. Oh, I am down 11 pounds now!! What about you???
11 Pounds, that’s GREAT!! I have found that while on this journey that I have to allow myself that “special treat” every once in awhile. On Father’s Day, the boys made Jim a cake and I felt that I needed to enjoy that with them. I had two small bites and that really was enough for me. You REALLY need to loose the tea. Even half un/ half sweet is still triggering that something sweet issue. Just remember what your doing and remember to ask yourself, Is this permissible or beneficial to me? Your taking care of something entrusted to by God.
Do you get up to use the bathroom during the night? If not, you should be. Your emptying all the additional toxins that store up over night and additional weight loss is in that as well.
Keep up the GREAT work, can’t wait to hear about next week. Hugs!
11 Pounds! WOW! That is so great, Candace. I am currently reading Made to Crave and loving it. But I am struggling in the eating dept. this week. I need to get that under control!
Do you know about this plan?
Tried the Skinny Cow today!! YUMMY!! We had the orea ones. Thanks for introducing me to them. 🙂