“Remember, through many tribulations you enter the kingdom of God” and in “sharing in my Son’s sufferings, becoming like him in his death” you come “to know Christ and the power of His resurrection.” And I nod it soft, Yes Father – you long to transfigure all, no matter how long it takes, you long to transfigure all.” ~ Ann Voskamp.
I have been trying to focus on how much I have to be thankful for recently…I am learning that gratitude can change your perspective. Learning to be thankful FOR and DURING the hard times is challenging, though. There is nothing easy about it. But I am reminded that all truly is grace…the times that I’ve cried my eyes out or hung my head in shame – those times have drawn me to the heart of my Savior, they have driven me to my knees, they have given me a closer relationship with my Heavenly Father. All is grace.
Learning to be thankful for each and every thing that God brings my way…learning to thank Him for the hard times because He is God, He is good, He loves me and He has a purpose in each and every tear I’ve cried.
“The hard thanksgivings, the hard eucharisteo, is the opening of the hand not only for whatever He chooses in His sovereignty to give — but an opening of the hand — to take the Giver’s hand.” ~ Ann Voskamp
This morning I need an extra dose of gratitude…so here goes. 🙂
freedom in Christ
freedom from sin
new paint
friends cutting down our bushes
freshly mowed yard
sonic treats with the kids
memorizing His Words
prayers lifted up for me
encouraging words and hugs
cousins down the street to play with
the kids doing little firecrackers in the backyard with David
sleeping in
singing at church – praising Him, blessing Him, being blessed and encouraged
new mercies. every morning.
Caleb’s last t-ball game for the season – love watching him do something he loves!!
talking with someone who has “been there done that”
a great week of school last week!! yipee!!
beautiful blooms
green leaves against the blue, blue sky!! so pretty and magnificent
counting and counting…I can’t believe I am over 1700 gifts!! God is SO good!!
#1746 – 1764
Yes! Freedom in Christ and from sin. Great list and full of His richest blessings. Thanks!
That is a great great list!!! God is so good. His grace is enough
From one Candace to another, may He continue to show you joy