I am so very excited to share with you Shaun Groves‘ new album, Third World Symphony, and some interview questions that he answered just for little ole me!! 🙂
I know this got a little long, I was just so excited to share all this with you!
First of all, if you haven’t checked out this link, did you know that you can LISTEN FOR FREE to the entire album?? Yipee!! That is how I can tell you that this new album is excellent! I’ve been listening to it ever since Shaun posted this link on his blog! That is how I know I want to order this on itunes for my walking/jogging mornings. 🙂 My favorite 2 songs at the moment are Just As I Am and All is Grace.
I was so excited when Shaun Groves posted on his blog that he would do an interview (of 3 questions) for ANY blogger to help advertise his new album!! I have been a “follower” of his blog since the first Compassion Blogging Trip that I read about a few years ago. I will tell you why I love his music…it’s because I love his heart for the Lord and his advocacy for those living in poverty. Shaun Groves was the first person I heard say, “Live simply so that others may simply live,” and that quote has changed my heart in so many ways.
I was able to see Shaun live 2 Decembers ago in our own church and he is just as authentic in person as he is on his blog…I love the humility and humor that come through in his posts and in his music. I love that he does concerts around the country for free (just provide him a hotel and meals!!) Those things, to me, show that he really is all about helping the children through Compassion. He is not in this for the money…or even the applause of man.
So, for those reasons, Shaun has become one of my modern-day “heroes of the faith” you might say. If you’ve read my blog for long, you know that missions hold a big place in my heart. My trips around the world have opened my eyes to how the rest of the world lives and as a result, have broken my heart for what breaks His. {And between you and me, one of my dreams is to make it to the “big time” and go on a blogging trip with Shaun!! I know my blog isn’t “big enough” but I dream anyway!! ha!}
Here are the questions I asked of Shaun along with his answers!! {how fun is this!!??}
1. What does worship look like in your life on a daily basis?
There was a time when “gay” meant happy and “bad” meant not good. Oh, bad means that again. Sorry. It’s hard to keep up.
My point is that the meaning of words change over time. And so this question is hard to answer because it depends on what that word “worship” means to you. Biblically, I think worship is a specific kind of response to God – service, work, submission, reverence, awe, bowing down… So on a daily basis i simply do what you and every other Christian does. I try to keep my heart and head tuned to God’s thoughts, listening and looking for Him everywhere and at all times. And then I’m moved to respond. Maybe I see the morning silence before the family wakes up as an opportunity to respond with silence of my own spent listening, praying, listening some more. Maybe I notice the fireflies in the front yard and just pause to marvel at what a peculiar little creature that is – that’s a kind of thank you isn’t it? Maybe there’s a conflict in my circle of friends I respond by confessing how ticked I am to God and asking for the patience to make peace anyway. Maybe I notice my wife is overwhelmed with a to-do list unending, three kids who woke up uncompromising and unruly, and so I can respond by laying my own to-do list aside and picking up a dishrag or a kid or taking all the kids out for lunch…a very long lunch.
Every day I have opportunities to respond to God, to my circumstances, the big and small gifts, the way Jesus would, the way He is responding from inside me – right through me.
I don’t always take those opportunities but in the best minute of my best day I sometimes do. And I always wish I wanted to more than I want anything else.
But if by “worship” you mean make music – what seems to be the common modern American definition of the word – well, I don’t make music most days.
2. How have the Compassion trips and being so involved with poverty on a personal level changed your perspective & life choices back home as an average American citizen and parent?
Great question. Hard to answer briefly. So many changes over so many years. Materially, I live on less now and give more. Politically, I’m increasingly indifferent toward government – this side or that – having seen again and again how the best laid (and spent) plans from both sides of the aisle have failed so miserably in addressing poverty in an effective holistic manner around the world and right here at home. I’ve been changed in countless ways so that my kids are no longer parented by the same guy. Surely, in ways I don’t notice, that’s changed how I parent. But in small intentional ways too. Sponsoring children through Compassion International has been a great way for my kids to learn about how others live around the world, for them to learn simplicity and generosity and to participate in God’s plan to makes disciples of all nations and care for those in need. That care goes both ways. The letters we get from our sponsored kids leave my own kids better off as well. They have perspective I didn’t have at their age, and a habit of praying for others and answering those prayers with their own action.
3. After visiting and and seeing Christianity all around the world, if you could change one thing about the American Church today, what would it be and why?
I no longer believe the Good News only addresses the personal problem of sin and death and gives life to my spirit forever, but I believe it was also originally preached as good for the poor – body and mind and soul, right now today. I believe this because the Bible says so over and over again. I learned this from preachers in the developing world, from desperate mothers praying for daily bread in a literal and not-at-all metaphorical way, believing God cares for their physical needs.
I’m not cynical about America or the American churches. I’m certainly not wise enough to know what they need to hear either. But if the people in the American church are anything like me maybe they could benefit from this same broader understanding of the Good News – that if it’s only good for me then it’s not the Good News Jesus preached.
I’m so excited for this CD to be released,and have been enjoying the songs already! Thank you both for the insightful questions and answers. 🙂
I’m already a follower!
He has such a great voice and his music is so inspirational!
I’ve never heard his music before, but I’m loving All Is Grace.
I’d love to enter this! 😀
I’m following you on my reader now!
What a neat interview!
I already follow you!
Would love to win this cd!
Now following you!
I would love a chance to win this CD> I really enjoy following the Compassion trips & appreciate how much Shaun Groves spreads his love for Compassion.
This is a new-to-me artist! 🙂 Would love to be entered in the giveaway! 🙂 Ami
I’m following your blog! :0) Ami
I agree with what you said about Shaun! I found his blog right after his first Compassion trip and I’ve been a faithful reader ever since. I LOVE his sense of humor. 😉 I also love how he’s dedicated his life to making things better for children. It’s directly because of his posts about Compassion that we now sponsor a child from India.
Just posted about this on Twitter (@berrypatch29)
I’m a blog follower already. 😉