So, is anyone out there still with me?? I haven’t posted in a few weeks about Made to Crave, but you can read all the previous posts here. And I am still very much on this journey!!
So, who is with me? Post in the comments so we can encourage and pray for one another!!
The big news at my house is that I FINALLY am past a “plateau” of 13 pounds lost. As I’m typing this, my total weight loss is 18 pounds!! Woo-hoo!! I was stuck at 13 pounds for about a month, but thankfully in the last week or so I’ve started losing again. Thank you, Lord!!
Chapter 10 is called This Isn’t Fair. I had to chuckle at this chapter because it is SO ME. I get so frustrated (at times) with all the goodies I feel like I am “missing out on.” Ugh.
“Saying ‘it’s not fair’ has caused many a girl to toss aside what she knows is right for the temporary thrill of whatever it is that does seem fair…our flesh buys right into Satan’s lie that it’s not fair for things to be withheld from us.” from Made to Crave: Satisfying Your Deepest Desire with God, Not Food
, p. 100.
Friends, I have said this to myself so many times it’s not even funny. And now that I see it in print and read it for the LIE that it is, I am humbled. I don’t deserve anything, much less food. And, the fact that food had this hold on my heart is also very disturbing, amen?? 🙂
I found that for me, the more I ate it, the more I craved it. I could not just have a coke once a week…because in a few weeks, I was wanting it everyday…and going to Sonic for my large vanilla coke became a habit. It was a BAD habit that I have had a HARD time breaking…but, I think I am *nearly* broken of the habit!! Can you say HALLELUJAH with me!! 🙂
The other day I was out by myself and thought to myself, “it’s been MONTHS since you had a soda…just try one and see how it tastes.” I have had so many people tell me that after a few months you don’t crave it or even like it anymore. Well…I learned 2 things that day…first, I DO STILL CRAVE IT. Secondly, I got a large diet vanilla coke from sonic and within about 2 hours I got a headache. Hmmm.
A few months ago before I started this healthy journey, I was getting headaches VERY often…and I’m happy to say that lately I have not been having headaches AT ALL!! Til the day I had the large diet coke!! (I don’t even like diet, with the vanilla it tastes good though.)
So, all the more reason not to indulge!!
The other thing that Lysa reminds us of in this chapter is that everyone has a battle. I may wish I could eat anything and not gain weight like my friend Susie. But, Susie has her own stuff, ya know? We all have stuff we struggle with, eating healthy is just one of mine at this stage in life. But everyone’s got their own stuff. Good reminder.
So, this is my update for today…I want to hear from you!! How are you doing on this journey??
Pretty header!
I have enjoyed your posts and have been very encouraged by them. I just now ordered a sample chapter of the book to read on my kindle app- I’ll let you know if I order the full version.
I’m trying to lose and have lost some. The book you’re reading is waiting for me at the library now. Praying for you. (((HUGS)))