Can you believe it is already September? Another month. Getting close to fall. A fresh month and a fresh season…I can hardly wait for some cooler weather!!
Each week as I am challenged to count my blessings, I am reminded that no matter how badly my day or week has gone, His mercy truly is new every morning. There is grace for everyday. New grace and new mercy for each moment…pretty amazing.
**Tiny update on Monday morning. I typed up this post Sunday night, my usual Sunday routine…and I enjoy it. But, it’s kind of funny to me that I typed out this post about being “blessed” and having a “clean house” and then woke up, read my own post and tried to laugh instead of cry!! I woke in a terrible mood, probably because that cute little kitten has been keeping me awake. night.after.night. 🙂 And you probably know how i love my sleep. We also have had to wash 2 sets of sheets today…again. That kitten hasn’t quite figured out the litter box when it’s dark in our room. And…the house, well, with pee and poop all over the place, I wasn’t feeling the “clean” love. So, there it is. A new day. New mercies for you and me. And even for cat pee and poop.
This week I am thanking Him for…
lots of good school days
listening to my girls practice piano
reading American History books with my kids…I am learning SO much! I think I’m learning more than they are. 🙂
science fun with friends
our new kitten, Simba. I didn’t know I was a cat person til I was an adult with my own children and we started becoming kitten parents. 🙂 He is just so darn cute!!
friends coming over for dinner (learning to practice more hospitality…and enjoying it!!)
making plans for my little brother’s wedding in 2 weeks!! yay!!
a clean house (amazing how much better my week starts when all the laundry is done and the house is clean!!)
hearing my children sing along to K-love songs
a new, easy, yummy AND healthy recipe for a snack for the kids (gonna post it this week!!) I found it from pinterest of all places. 🙂
learning and growing in my faith everyday – God is good to give us new challenges, but so faithful to draw us to Himself and show us new glimpses of Himself through these challenges.
#1871 – 1881
Oh, my….that kitten is adorable. I am trying to convince Jason that we need a cat. That picture may just help. Too cute.
The kitty is soooo cute! I’m having kitten envy =)