This week, as I am planning for an out of town trip to my brother’s wedding, I sat down to make my list of things that need to be done before leaving in a few days. Immediately I was overwhelmed. So, in the midst of the hurry of life – as I know you are feeling too – I am stopping and taking a moment to be thankful before my week blows away.
Thanking God this morning for…
healthy children
my brother and his fiance – we love her!! my kids are so excited about their new aunt!!
a fun weekend full of seeing friends, visiting awesome museums, family, dinners, hotels, fun!!
another fabulous day of conviction and prayer with Dr. Greg Frizzell.
remembering 9-11
praying for our nation together
singing with a huge community choir — wonderful worship and fellowship!!
Beth Moore and Travis Cottrell all day Saturday
learning more about the life and writings of Luke – so amazing!!
singing one of my all time favorite songs at church on Sunday
hugs and kisses from my kids
such a patient, patient husband
such a patient, patient Father
still counting…gifts #1882 – 1995
sharing our gratitude each week together with Ann at A Holy Experience
I thank God every day that my children are healthy. I know so many that aren’t. Visiting from Ann’s place today.
Love that pic! The colors are so vivid! Thanks for posting the flowers that mean so much to me! 🙂