Hi and welcome to His Mercy is New!! If you are clicking over from Nester’s 31 Day Party, thank you for stopping by!! (Be sure to check out that Nester link, there are over 700 31 Day series to choose from!!) I hope we can learn together and become more intentional and faithful in our prayers for our children during these next 31 days!!
Praying for our children is such a big thing, isn’t it? Over the next 30 days I hope to share some of my favorite prayers, resources, scriptures and ideas concerning this topic. However, please don’t get the idea that I am an *expert* on this subject. That is so far from the truth!! I felt the Lord impressing this subject on my heart for this 31 day series specifically so that I could be more intentional and purposeful in my prayers for my children.
I have learned over the past few years, that praying Scripture has encouraged my heart and grown my relationship with the Lord probably more than any other single thing I have done in my spiritual walk.
I first heard Beth Moore talk about this in a study, but the book that I use now and has become a favorite of mine is called Praying the Scriptures for Your Children
by Jodie Berndt. This book has stayed on my nightstand and in my “quiet time” basket ever since I first got it. And, truthfully, the idea is very simple. Take Scripture passages and put your child’s name into the verse and pray it for them!!
There is something about praying the very words of God over friends and loved ones. When I pray His Word, I have no doubt that I am praying in accordance to His Will. I don’t have to worry that my selfishness is creeping in…afterall, they are God’s Words.
So, I thought for this 31 day series, I would close each post with a different Scripture that I love to pray over my children. Some of them have come from the book I shared above, but some of them are just verses that I have read on my own and come to love as prayers for my family.
“I pray that {my child} would continue to live in Christ, rooted and built up in Him, strengthened in the faith as she was taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.” Colossians 2:6-7.
**Click here if you’d like to read the rest of my 31 Days series! Thanks so much for stopping by! I hope you will come back and visit again! And, if you have any suggestions, resources or ideas on how to grow in praying for our children, please leave me a comment! I’d love to hear from you!
Day 2: Prayer Cards
Day 3: Prayers of Graditude
Day 5: Praying Psalm 73
Day 6: A Prayer Testimony
Day 8: A Praying Life {book review}
Day 9: Praying the Beatitudes
Day 10: Praying for Hearts of Gratitude
Day 11: Praying the Fruit of the Spirit
Day 12: Praying WITH our children
Day 13: Teaching Kids to Pray
Day 14: The Lord’s Prayer with Kids
Day 15: Prayer for Guidance
Day 16: Prayer for Sundays
Day 17: Powerful Prayer for Every Family (another book on prayer)
Day 18: Praying for Their Minds
Day 19: Praying for Their Desires
Day 22: More Prayers for Protection
Day 24: These Prayers…for Others, too
Day 25: Praying for Their Futures
Day 26: Praying for Their Marriages
Day 28: Praying for Each Other
Day 29: Praying for Their Weaknesses
Day 30: Praying for Their Strengths
Day 31: Just Pray!
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