“Let thankfulness rule in your heart. As you thank Me for blessings in your life, a marvelous thing happens. It is as if scales fall off your eyes, enabling you to see more and more of my glorious riches. With your eyes thus opened, you can help yourself to whatever you need from my treasure house. Each time you receive one of my golden gifts, let your thankfulness sing out praises to My name. ‘Hallelujahs’ are the language of heaven, and they become the language of your heart.
A life of praise and thankfulness becomes a life filled with miracles. Instead of trying to be in control, you focus on Me and what I am doing. This is the power of praise: centering your entire being in Me. This is how I created you to live, for I made you in My own image. Enjoy abundant life by overflowing with praise and thankfulness.” {November 27th’s entry from Jesus Calling: Enjoying Peace in His Presence
, my all time favorite devotional.}
my hallelujah’s this week…
a relaxing Thanksgiving spent with David’s family
knitting while we talk
kids playing with cousins all day!!
visiting with Macy on Thanksgiving Day
dear friends who email to let us know they continue to pray for Macy and that she is not forgotten
pumpkin pie
pumpkin pie for breakfast the next morning
my favorite devotional – God speaks to me so very much through this book, Jesus Calling, link above.
the start of advent
waking early, sitting by the tree & lights, talking with God
a date night!!
thanks to a very adventurous family who had all 3 of our kids over for a sleep over!!
like minded friends for us and our children!
the kids had SO much fun!! what a gift!!
sharing life together with our small group
morning worship. God with us.
anticipating fun family traditions through December
learning, growing, changing
#2086 – 2103…so many gifts, all is grace, God is slowly changing my heart with this truth.
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