I love it when God speaks to me…to me! The God of the universe…I don’t always hear well, I’m not always in tune with His voice…but those times when the Holy Spirit speaks so clearly through a Scripture or a speaker or even a friend and I just know He has a word for me – wow. I’m so thankful that He chooses to still communicate with His people!!
When He speaks to me in this way, my faith gets a HUGE boost!!
So, I shared that I am going to southeast Asia in a few weeks. I shared that I have had doubts and fears regarding this trip…mostly concerning my own ability and personality and being able to do whatever is asked of me, I really have no fear of safety – praise God!!
I have been doing the James
Bible Study that Beth Moore recently put out. I have enjoyed it very much and the timing has been perfect since the kids and I are memorizing the first chapter of James right now!
But, in the last DVD session, I knew why God had led me to keep watching these sessions on my own even after I couldn’t make it to the church study. I knew why He had been gracious enough to get me through the entire study. One Scripture passage that Beth shared was for my upcoming mission trip!! I love it when God does this!!
Just read this passage and be in awe with me. 🙂
“And now, compelled by the Spirit, I am going to {southeast Asia,} not knowing what will happen to me there. I only know that in every city the Holy Spirit warns me that prison and hardships are facing me. However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord has given me – the task of testifying to the gospel of God’s grace.” Acts 20:22-24
Wow. Just wow. This verse was written for me at this very moment in my life. I know that God is leading me to go on this trip…but I can’t have any idea what He will do while we are there! There is {always} a chance of hardship or persecution, but it will be moreso in this location. HOWEVER…I consider my life worth nothing to me…I just want to finish the race and finish it well. I just want to share about the grace He has poured over my life.
May it be so, Lord. Increase my faith, Lord.
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