these little love notes from God…little reminders that I am too blessed to be stressed!! 🙂
nearly finished reading One Thousand Gifts
for the 2nd time…how it blesses me so. and challenges me.
a saturday full of cooking, baking – getting things ready for the week – wish I could do this weekly!! cooked & shredded lots of chicken, browned 3 lbs meat, muffins, granola, energy/pb balls, chicken casserole. yay!
beautiful, beautiful spring trees and flowers
so many praying for me and our upcoming trip – truly, it means SO MUCH to me
God stretching me…and me trying to be thankful. 🙂
great school days – thank You, Lord, for cooperative children – it is a gift I do not take lightly because of the days when they aren’t so cooperative. ha!
early mornings, me and God…my Bible, coffee, open windows and birds singing. probably one of my most favorite things in the whole wide world!!
several long walks lately — I need so many more, though, if anyone wants to go on a walk in the next few weeks let me know!! This trip will be a LOT of trekking – I mean miles and miles DAILY out in the remote villages, up mountains. I am not prepared for this…and don’t feel that I will be. So, I am walking/hiking when I can (pray for motivation!) and praying that God will MEET ME there in the midst of my need. My sweet sil gave me 2 Cor. 9:8 that I have been memorizing for this purpose. I know that God has called me to go…and I’m trusting Him to show up and be faithful – like He ALWAYS is. (pray with me??)
books in the mail
watching my girls work hard on their Awanas verses…without any prompting from me!!
little boy almost 7. sniff sniff. just a few days left of SIX.
#3083 – 3094
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