By Faith, Not By Sight
is an autobiographical book about the life of Scott MacIntyre. A few seasons ago I watched as Scott performed on American Idol and was very impressed with him. However, after reading this book, I have even more respect and admiration for he and his family.
Scott MacIntyre was born blind. But that never stopped him from doing anything. And it never stopped his parents from giving him a very rich and full childhood. As a homeschooler, I absolutely LOVED that his mother decided to homeschool because she knew she could give Scott a wonderful education knowing him better than anyone – his needs, his abilities, and his God-given personality. Scott’s mother, after reading this book, inspired me not only as a mother with a special needs child, but as a homeschooler. She inspired me to teach each of my children to their unique abilities and personalities. I loved this glimpse into their lives.
Another reason I loved this book is the huge focus on FAITH. Since faith is my word and focus this year, I was very encouraged by Scott’s lack of FEAR and the fact that he never focused on what he could not do but focused on the abilities God had given him. I love that his parents taught him things that every other child would learn and that he continued that determination on into his adult life.
This book inspired me. This book encouraged me in my faith. This book challenged me as a homeschool mom. This book encouraged me as a musician. I am not a parent of a child with a disability, but I really think this book would be a huge encouragement to those parents as well!!
What a gift Scott MacIntyre was given. And what a gift this book is to those of us who need a little encouragement to live bold lives of faith despite our weaknesses.
**I received this book, free of charge, in exchange for my honest review shared here on my blog.
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