So, as you know, this is my 2nd year using Project Life for documenting our lives. I love, love, love Project Life. And now I have another reason to rave.
This year, Project Life became a digital option at Shutterfly. I just finished my first PL book through Shutterfly and!!
Aren’t these pages beautiful?
I did a 2-page layout for each child’s birthday, etc. I did a page of our beach vacation, a spread for Hannah’s baptism, Christmas, Easter, etc.
I pretty much got a quick-glance of a full year in our family in this one book!!
And it took me less than 2 hours from start to finish!!
I will tell you, though, I could have spent a LOT longer. There are options that I did not even look at. So, if you want more…it’s there. I could have changed up the layouts, fonts, etc. But I pretty much went with what was already there. And it’s gorgeous.
I wanted quick and I wanted to get it finished and in the mail.
I am using this book to take with me to southeast Asia…to show off my beautiful family and to use as a witnessing tool – I have Scripture all through my book AND pics of Hannah’s baptism!! awesome!!
I am very excited about this option for fast memory keeping. I love getting my hands on the photos, papers and cute stuff of scrapbooking. But, when I can document a full year of my family’s life in less than 2 hours? Well, that is pretty awesome!
**Project Life was created by Becky Higgins and is a very simple, but creative and beautiful way, to document your family’s everyday moments. The simplicity of it is why I love it so. You can click on my Project Life category to see all my posts on this topic. If you would like to see more inspiration for very creative ways to add to your Project Life album with embellishments, look at this list of links. To purchase Project Life, you can go to Amazon and look around at the options. Remember, I am not an affiliate for Project Life, however I do get a few cents from each purchase on amazon. The new kits for this year are the Clementine Edition and the Cobalt Edition
. When I can, I try to link up with Jessica at The Mom Creative for her Project Life Tuesday posts! You can look here for lots of inspiration, too!
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