We are nearing the end of our year with Exploring Creation With Astronomy (just 1 chapter left!) and I will be sad to see it end! We have had such a wonderful year learning about God’s amazing creations: planets, stars, sky, comets, asteroids, astronomers…and so many fun projects!
At our last gathering, we focused on stars by creating the Starry Night paintings. We were inspired by this art project on the blog Art Project for Kids.

We started off by reading the book Maria’s Comet which is a great picture book that tells a sort of historical fictional story about the first American female astronomer!! It is a lovely picture book to read while you are learning about astronomy! (and there is a free unit study & lapbook for this book on HSS!)
Then, I took this idea from pinterest and kind of changed it up a bit. I was inspired by the project I saw, but then realized I didn’t have enough tools to get all those holes with 7 children in a short enough amount of time.
So, we drew our constellations on black paper instead. I printed off lots of little pictures of various constellations and had the kids pick a few favorites to draw. They turned out really nicely.
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