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I have been wanting to share about this book with you, dear readers!
I have mentioned before how difficult parenting has been for me. I started off way too strict with my oldest and have many, many regrets of way too many spankings. I am not writing this post to start a debate, though. 🙂 I just know that for me, when spanking was my only tool, and when it was happening time and time again in one day’s time, AND when it was NOT changing my child’s behavior – but making us mad at each other, I now see how wrong it was for that to be our only discipline method.
When I first read Grace-Based Parenting, I cried. I cried a lot. I had so many regrets. I felt I had ruined my relationship with my daughter forever. (and admit that I fall into that thought process still today!) I saw a picture of grace and our Heavenly Father that I don’t know if I had ever seen before.
Isn’t there something about parenting that shows us a totally new glimpse into the heart of our Father?? When I meditate on how He loves me…I find that I want to love my children that same way.
Honestly, when my kids were toddlers, I was more concerned with making them obey the first time than I was concerned about their hearts and the relationship between each of them and myself. I’m ashamed to admit that, but it’s true. And I know without a shadow of a doubt that God is more concerned with my HEART than anything else.
So, when I somehow came across the book, Loving Our Kids On Purpose, my heart was already soft and eager to hear this message of hope and grace in our parenting.
This book is all about building a secure relationship with our children AND looking FIRST at the heart-to-heart connection you have with your children as opposed to making them follow a set of rules just because it’s what they should do.
I have read this book several times and each time it gets better. I am more encouraged {and at the same time comforted} by the message of this book. I pray it will do the same for you!!
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