Sometimes I come to these Monday gratitude posts (or Sunday or whenever they appear!) and wonder how I can relay to you the gratitude in my heart. I wonder how I can continue to look around me and find the smallest things that bring me joy. I wonder how I can fully thank God for every moment.
The truth is, I can’t. I can’t fully explain and put into words how thankful I feel. It’s not cliche, it’s a work God is doing in my heart. I’m so glad He is changing me from the inside out.
I want to continue counting my blessings…these precious gifts, and giving Him praise and glory for the work He does in me and all around me and in this crazy world. He is at work, friends, whether we acknowledge it or not. Isn’t it good to know we aren’t in control??
So very much to be thankful for…
de ja vous…a washing machine to wash germy sheets after sick kiddos. (didn’t I just mention this last week? ha! my kids got sick again!)
children’s tylenol and ibuprofen
soft blankets, favorite tv shows and laughter despite the sickness
hot chocolate and reading at night as a family
finding this Christmas devotional to do with my kiddos
planning for a turkey dinner and family to enjoy it with!
cleaning house – I don’t exactly love it, but I love the results
a sweet friend’s open house and great conversations ~ more to come!
leaves, leaves, leaves – I love them!
reading Thanksgiving favorites
a husband who will stop and get medicine, gatorade and pizza for supper after a long sick day at home!
Christmas music – excited about this new one!! he is one of my favorites! 🙂
#3367 – 3379
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