“I just can’t be a mom today.”
Raise your hand if you have ever muttered these words…
Me, too.
So, when I saw the description – actually, when I saw the title of this next book, I knew I needed to read it. There have been so many desperate moments in my motherhood journey…
So, I was very excited when I saw that BookSneeze had this new book available for review! I’m a big fan of Sally Clarkson and was thrilled to read her new book co-authored by Sarah Mae.
First of all, this book tells young moms EXACTLY the things I did not know: this mothering thing is hard, in fact, maybe the hardest thing you’ll ever do. This mothering thing is humbling, confusing, guilt-ridden and so many times you will find yourself feeling DESPERATE.
Why did I not know these things going into motherhood?? I’m not saying that no one told me these things, but I certainly didn’t believe them if they did! ha!!
I always wanted to be a mom. {and then I had kids, right?}
I always thought I would stay home with my children and enjoy them and play with them and love every minute of it.
So, when I didn’t enjoy every minute, when depression set in ~ the real, dark, deep kind of depression, not just the baby blues or a few days of sadness ~ I didn’t know what to think. I thought it was just me. I figured there was something very wrong with me. I was a failure at this mom thing.
I wish I had had this book. Honestly, this may be the next book I give to every new mom. I love giving great books…and this one fits the bill for all moms.
Each chapter of this book has a portion from Sarah Mae and then a portion from Sally Clarkson. I loved reading both parts – Sarah Mae wrote more from the perspective I am in now, still in the daily battles of mothering young children. Then, Sally would chime in with her wisdom, encouragement and comforting words, “I’ve been there. You aren’t alone. You will survive this…”
At the end of each chapter there are also Scripture passages, questions for discussion or journaling. Also there are short little videos to go with each chapter!! I love the videos, too! I watched them all.
So, if you are a new mom, I’m begging you – read this book!! If you are a seasoned mother {grin} please buy this book for your young mom friends as gifts. I’m going to be doing the same…
Let’s encourage one another as moms; let’s not let one another feel that desperation alone!! Let’s give each other the reminders we need to live this life of mothering with joy and contentment!!
**note on depression: if you struggle with true, clinical depression, this book doesn’t go into the full seriousness of this struggle and illness. I have written a lot here about my struggles, but please, find someone to talk to and do not just think it is normal and that you must live like this forever! You are loved and I would love to chat with you over email if you don’t think you have anyone you can talk to also.
oh, i agree! Loved this book. I need to read it again and again.