~ Ann Voskamp from One Thousand Gifts Devotional
ice storm ~ another day in!
making pizza crust for the first time!
getting into more of a groove with cooking more
icicles hanging everywhere
this hair product – I’m not normally a hair product type gal or blogger, but this is MIRACLE STUFF. Seriously, if you have thin/fine hair that will not hold a style for longer than 20 minutes, you might want to try it. 🙂 If you have body/wave/curl/volume, I don’t think it would help you much. I’m way too excited about a hair product. ha! Yes, I’m thankful. 🙂
early morning Sunday morning quiet
God’s grace in getting me through another solo (literally, it’s all Him!!)
getting my supplies & pictures ready for a scrapbooking weekend!!! My first one ever! I am SO EXCITED. Did I tell you I’m excited?
finding gifts that my nearly 11yr old girl will like for her birthday
making February’s menu plan
finding new ways to cut costs
a husband who is willing & happy to go grocery shopping (it’s amazing how much less we spend when I just don’t go inside walmart myself! ha! sad, huh. Not to mention walmart with children stresses.me.out. even now with them being older.)
Phil. 4:4-7 – one of my all time favorite passages
new curriculum in the mail
this devotional – I have loved starting my days with this book and a thankful heart
#3482 – 3496
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