As a homeschool mom, one of the most important things for me personally to teach my children is Biblical values, about who our great God is, how He loves us and our role as believers in this world.
And one thing I have wondered about for my girls, as they are now in 5th and 4th grades, is a curriculum for them to begin to actually *study* the Scriptures, to dig in for themselves in a more independent way, to have assignments from the Bible that they can work on independently.
So, I was excited when given the opportunity to review a Bible curriculum from Classical Academic Press called God’s Great Covenant, OT, book 1. This past year, we have been using another subject’s material by this same company, Spanish for Children, so I knew that I would likely be pleased with this workbook for my girls. The product page says this curriculum is at about a 3rd grade level, and I feel that is probably pretty accurate. My girls are doing well with it at their grade levels also, so I’d say upper elementary leveled children should be able to use this curriculum.
For this review, we were happy to receive both the teacher edition and the student workbook. We also were excited to try out the audio download, which includes readings from the curriculum. I was very excited to try out the audio download because we have been making an effort the past few months to utilize more audio resources in our homeschool!! The narration on this audio is very good. We really enjoyed listening to it.
Each week we listen to the next chapter on the audio, then each day the girls do 1 workbook page that goes along with that chapter. If you click here and scroll down, you will find the link to a PDF sample of the student workbook. I know that I personally always look for samples before purchasing. These books are perfect for where my girls are right now.
One other thing that I like about this curriculum is the teacher guide. Ordinarily, I honestly don’t very often pick up teacher manuals. Often I don’t even purchase them. {blushing.} I know that once my kids are older I will HAVE to purchase them because I won’t have a clue what all the answers are! ha! But, when I started looking through this teacher guide that goes along, I really, really liked the “Notes to Teachers & Parents” in the “sidebars” of the teachers guide. Unfortunately, I didn’t notice these til we were in chapter 2, so we missed out on the notes for the first chapter. 🙂 But, in these notes are great things for people like me (who can’t always think of things to ask or discuss with my kids) who need a little guidance in what to discuss with my kids. There are questions for discussion, extra explanations, verses to look up and discuss together, etc. I have found this to be a great addition to our school morning. We listen to the audio, then discuss some of these points and then the girls work on their pages independently.
Overall, we’ve been very pleased with this curriculum!! I’m excited that my girls are digging in and learning new things about the Old Testament this year!
You can purchase the student book for $22.95, the teacher manual for $24.95 and the audio files for $9.95.
Please head over to the TOS Crew blog read other bloggers sharing their thoughts on this curriculum!
I feel the same way about teachers guides normally too. I said the same thing in my review of OT2….love these teachers guides!!
Thanks for the review. I’m going to look into this for my boys that are 8 and 10.
How many days per week did your girls do a lesson? I have the curriculum and am going to use it for the first time this year. My girls are 10 and 7. Did you use the Chapter reviews as quizzes? Thanks!