I can’t believe I was so lucky to be able to review ANOTHER Neta Jackson book through BookSneeze!! Woo-hoo! I have loved all of her fiction books and have written about them several times before. I also am a big fan, as a homeschooler, of the Hero Talesseries that she wrote with her husband, for kids!! These books are about Christian heroes of the faith and missionaries, we’ve read lots of them!
So, needless to say, I was excited to read, Come to the Table the latest book in her SouledOut Sisters series. I also read a book from her previous series, Stand by Me
. Her books in the Yada Yada Prayer Group series
are some of my all time favorite fiction books!!
What I have loved in the past about Neta Jackson’s books has proven true once again. The characters in her book make me want to know God better. They make me want to pray more. They encourage me in my faith walk. {and they are just fictional characters, yes I know!}
For me, a fiction book that grabs my attention AND encourages me to pray more…well, that’s just about perfection, don’t you think?? I love getting to know the characters and follow their story lines through all the books. As you read about the thoughts of the characters, it makes me want to know my Scriptures better so I can pray like they do. As you hear their discussions, and read their thoughts at the same time, it makes me want to live my life in such a way that Jesus shines through in my discussions, too. At the same time, the characters are down-to-earth and believable. The characters in these book series are believable and real, making me believe that I *can* be a prayer warrior like some of them are!! That is hope.
The only downside to Neta Jackson’s books that I have found so far is that I haven’t found *my* yada yada ladies yet. I want my own prayer group like these ladies have!! It is priceless!
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