I was so excited to have the opportunity to read this book written by Michelle Rayburn called Repurposed And Upcycled Life. Don’t you love the cover and the title?? Me, too.
This book was the encouragement I’ve been needing for the past few weeks. The truths in this book, as well as the heart behind them, really resonated with where I’m at right now in life. I am so thankful that God doesn’t ever finish working on us here on earth!! I’m so thankful that what He starts, He has promised to complete! (Phil. 1:6)
This book encourages us to remember that we are a work in progress…to not be disappointed in ourselves for not being perfect, to let go of the guilt that plagues our every mistake, to find hope in the God who promises to change us more and more into His image. I don’t know about you, but I need to hear those truths time and time again.
It seems like God is doing a work in my heart lately…I mean, He is always at work, but sometimes in my humanness, I don’t always catch on. I’m very aware that He is stretching me and growing me in the area of contentment. And because He is at work, this covers so much more than just the simple word “contentment.” I want to be more content with where God has me – my personality, my home, my children, my church, etc. Because I want to be content, I want to spend less…so we are learning how to be more frugal, to spend differently, to eat differently. Contentment encompasses so many things for me!
This book reminded me a lot of my chair that I painted recently. You may remember that I wrote more about it here.
One thing that this book ~ and God ~ have both been reminding me of is that God can take the messes and mistakes I have made and turn it into a message to the world that will bring Him glory. He can actually use messed up me, even in my weaknesses. I don’t have to have learned everything there is to learn before He can use me. I don’t have to have “gotten past it” for Him to grow me and use me for His glory.
Like this imperfectly painted chair, sometimes the distressed parts, the damaged spots, the holes…sometimes, God can shine through those places even more brightly. In my weakness, He is strong.
Oh how that truth gives me hope! Doesn’t it you? The brokenness in our lives, God can take it and show the world how He can mend us and turn us into something new. God is in the business of doing a new thing.
I think sometimes it is hard for me to remember this on a daily, moment-to-moment basis. In the middle of a frustration with my children and I lose my patience and yell at them…then later feel such guilt…then later go on to feel like the biggest failure as a mother…in those moments, I forget that God isn’t finished with me yet. I forget that He is at work – even in those ugly moments.
Reading books like this one, memorizing Scripture, staying in the Word…these are all ways that I’m seeking to keep my focus. I hope you will be encouraged also!! God is not through with you yet!!
CONTEST: Please leave a comment HERE on my blog to be entered into Michelle Rayburn’s Blog Tour grand prize contest!! It would be fun to have the winner come from His Mercy is New! 🙂
Here is a picture of what you could win!! Fun!!
I love your disclaimer button. I made one but have not had a chance to use it yet. 🙂
I am love with this book cover! That alone makes me what to read it.
Miranda – I know! the cover and title grabbed me right away!! 🙂 Love the theme of this whole book!!
Candace – I have been picking up books that you have been reading and sharing on your blog (or facebook, which I think will be the same) and I have been feeling some heart-work being done on me too. I just shared with some friends last night about some of my discontent. I would love to read this book… and win!
“life is frustrating sometimes”. very true. If the book will show ways out of the everyday mieseres, it will be very welcome!