I’m so thankful for those new mercies. Every.single.morning. Where would we be without the daily mercies and grace of our Savior? This week I am thanking Him for…
my brother’s safe arrival in TN
time with his family after they’d been gone since last year
a church that blesses and blesses
small group that is precious to me
lots of kids bouncing on the trampoline
many days in a row of feeling good and motivated
kids looking for extra money who want to clean my house 🙂
a new project I’m working on (very excited about this!! YOU will be able to enjoy this new project too!! hint hint!)
online friends who become “real” friends
afternoon thunder storms
feeding my family good foods – it is such a gift, I do not take it for granted
our chickens
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thanks for the beautiful reminders of these little gifts we need to seek in our daily lives. Makes life all worth it!