Today I want to share with you a HUGE myth that I believe is out there about homeschoolers. The myth is that homeschooled kids are just sweet little angels that always are obedient and just love doing their schoolwork. You know, if you homeschool, you MUST have perfect kids. LOL!
I’m here today to tell you that this isn’t always the case. 🙂
We are starting to have a lot of ummm, hormonal issues in our household. I will leave it at that. Needless to say, we have had a lot of tears, torn papers, fits and consequences during our school days this year.
I will admit, we’ve had a few rough days since this school year started. My kids aren’t always obedient (far from it) and they aren’t always excited about school! Now, a few years ago, I would have said that they LOVE school! But, now that their work is getting harder, I seem to be getting more complaints. 🙂 Imagine that!
This picture above happened to be a child that thought I was giving WAY too much work, it was WAY too hard and there was NO WAY she could ever do any of it. With the crying, screaming and gnashing of teeth, you would have thought I was physically hurting her. I can smile about it today, but at the moment, it was a very BAD DAY for all of us!!
So, those of us that homeschool don’t homeschool because we have exceptionally well behaved kids and our lessons are always pulled off beautifully and without a hitch. Sometimes we all have bad days. Sometimes our kids scream and yell. (sometimes the moms do, too! at least in this household!) Sometimes I have days (more lately!) where I want to put my kids in school very badly.
But, I go back to my earlier posts about how much (or little) I’m enjoying this homeschooling thing…I don’t homeschool because I love it and am this awesome teacher. I don’t homeschool because I have more patience than the average mom. I don’t homeschool because I think that my kids are going to grow up to be better adults than yours.
I homeschool because God has called me to do it.
So, on the bad days ~ that will come ~ I find some chocolate, take a few moments to myself, hop on Facebook…do whatever I need to do to take a breather…and then get back to it. I love my kids dearly…I believe we are doing a GOOD THING in educating them at home…but it ultimately comes down to believing it is a GOD thing. So, I keep on keeping on.
Friends, I have enjoyed this series SO MUCH. I wish we could keep it going forever and ever. But alas, for now, the series has come to an end. Thank you so much for visiting. My prayer, through this series, and through my blog, is that you click away encouraged. I pray that you don’t feel alone in your struggles. I pray that you know we are all human and we all are desperate for Jesus.
I pray that you continue on with your day reminded that His mercies truly are new every morning!!
Please click over to read the ENTIRE series of 21 posts all together!! Such a blessing!
Glad I’m not the only one. Had that kinda day yesterday. Help me, Jesus. The eldest is dealing with integrity issues. I will not tolerate lying and deceit in any form. Much testing going on.