Pastor Saeed Abedini, an American citizen, has been imprisoned in Iran for over a year for the crime of being a Christian. {more:
In recent negotiations with the government of Iran over their nuclear program, his plight was left unresolved by our administration.
We cannot, we will not, let this stand.
As members of the Body of Christ, when one member suffers we all suffer. Our brother is suffering…and we must enter into that suffering along with him and his family to seek God’s power to free him.
We ask all people of all faiths to join us in calling for an end to this injustice.
YOU can help!
- I propose the single loudest outpouring of support via social media to free Saeed in recent memory and perhaps in the history of the church.
- HERE is the Facebook EVENT page – join us there!
- On WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 4, every Christian with a platform, great or small, will feature Saeed on it with the demand that our government use it’s God given power for good to secure his release.
- If you have a Facebook page, you have a platform.
- If you have a Twitter account, you have a platform.
- If you have a Blog, you have a platform.
- If you have an Instagram account…you get the idea!
- Use the hashtag: #freesaeed and/or #savesaeed on all your platforms.
- Our scattered voices can be ignored, but if we can come together across denominational and political lines as one voice the church may break prison chains once again.
- We need every single Christian to spread the word to friends, family and any media outlets.
- Pastors, feature this on your websites and blogs.
- Bloggers, we need it on your front page.
- Brothers & sisters, we need your Facebook status & even your profile pic.
- We welcome any ideas to further this cause and we encourage your participation and promotion.
- This is an historical moment for the church to come together for something that’s close to God’s heart – human life and dignity.
- Please feel free to copy this content or modify this content, and post it as your own on your own media!
Click-to-Tweets Ready for You to Use!
- Join us in praying for an imprisoned brother in Christ! #savesaeed #freesaeed {click to tweet}
- Flood social media w Saeed’s story! Let #Iran know that Saeed can not disappear. Let your voice be heard! #savesaeed #freesaeed {click to tweet}
- On Dec 4, raise your voices in support of Pastor Saeed Abedini. Pray for him and his family. #freesaeed #savesaeed {click to tweet}
- @HassanRouhani We respectfully request you release Saeed Abedini as an act of mercy and friendship! #freesaeed #savesaeed {click to tweet}
- Our brother is suffering…and we must enter into that suffering with him and seek God’s power to free him. #freesaeed #savesaeed {click to tweet}
- @BarackObama We respectfully request that you use the full powers of your office to liberate Pastor Saeed Abedini! #freesaeed #savesaeed {click to tweet}
Here is the link to a PIN ready for you to PIN! Of course you are welcome to PIN this post also!
The Mission
1. AGREEMENT: There’s much we all disagree on, but over this issue we’ll unite our voices to demonstrate agreement & use the hashtag #freesaeed and/or #savesaeed on Dec. 4th
2. AWARENESS: We want our governing officials to know, though Saeed Abedini may not be of interest to them he is to “us” (see #1) and therefore as elected officials working “for the people” we want it to be their priority too.
Also, because President Hassan Rouhani حسن روحانی has both FB & Twitter accounts, we want him to be aware that Saeed is not forgotten nor insignificant, and we want his immediate release.
3. PRAYER: This is an opportunity to pray for our imprisoned brother. God moves through the prayers of his redeemed people (Acts 16:25-26).
None of the above is a magic formula. Assuming by adding more voices to beg/plead with God as if he needs convincing because of his stubborn unwillingness to bless, is nothing short of paganism & grossly misrepresents the God of the bible. This God, is a Father who lovingly gave this broken/sinful world his greatest treasure (John 3:16), not because they were asking, but because he is Good.
So, motivated by loving trust in Him, may we in agreement humbly/boldly pray (Heb 4:16). Perhaps, He who delights in blessing, feeding hungry mouths & setting captives free, may once again move to open prison doors by moving the hearts of leaders.
The king’s heart is a stream of water in the hand of the LORD; he turns it wherever he will. – Proverbs 21:1
Current Info:
Tweet President Hassan Rouhani حسن روحانی
Contact your Senator (U.S. Senate: Senators Home)
Contact the House of Representatives:
Much of the above content was adapted from this blog:
This is amazing … thank you I will post it for reuse.