Like my friend Edie, I have struggled over the years with knowing what God’s will is for my life. What are His purposes? {Please go over and read Edie’s post also, you will be encouraged!}
When I think about God’s will for me and my family, I like to turn to Scriptures. You know, He has given us everything we need, right? (2 Peter 1:3)
“Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is. Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit. Speak to one another with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Ephesians 5:17-20.
So, in looking at this passage, what is God’s will?
- to not get drunk
- to be filled with the Spirit
- To speak to one another in love
- Sing & make music to God in your heart
- Always give thanks for EVERYTHING
Do I need to be afraid that I have “missed” what God has for me? Do I need to live my life in fear that I have missed His will somewhere? No, in fact, living that way is contrary to what God’s Word tells us. My favorite phrase from that passage in Ephesians is that we are to be thankful in everything…that is God’s will. Yes! Learning to count my blessings, write them down, name them, see God in the small beauty around me…it changes me AND it is His will for me! {AnnVoskamp’s book, One Thousand
Gifts, will truly help you gain this perspective and help you find your way as you begin to look for God in every moment.}
In praying about this word and theme that God has given me for 2014, I have learned that God would not only have me be purposeful in my own life {by setting goals and becoming more self-discipined} but He wants me to remember my purpose. He doesn’t want me fretting over each decision.
I need the reminder of my purpose so often, what about you? I get so caught up i the day-to-day grind that I forget why I’m here and what I’m doing…
So I created this printable for you – and for me – to remind us of why we’re here. It’s easy for me to forget and make this thing called life all about me. Ugh. But, it’s not…and my heart’s desire is that it NOT be all about me. I’m human, I need reminders!!
This quote, that I have created as a printable for you, comes from the Westminster Catechism, if you are interested in reading more of these declarations and catechism questions.
Remember, you can go back to this post and see all the bloggers who linked up with our Word of the Year posts! At the time of creating this post, we had 34 people linked up! That’s a lot of inspiration!!
My word for 2014 is purposeful. In an effort to follow through on this word and the things the Lord is placing on my heart, my plan is to share with you MONTHLY updates for my goals, how it’s going and what the Lord is teaching me through all of this. {My next Purposeful in 2014 will be early February where I list specific goals and how I did through the month of January.}
Glorify God & Enjoy Him Forever FREE Printable
Love the printable! Thanks so much! What do you find to be the best way to print them in order to get something that is framable quality?
I just download or open the PDF on my computer and print. 🙂 I’ve never done anything fancy. I already created in a high format so it *should* print well for you!!