Find each month of memory work linked here.
Scripture: Isaiah 40:8
Isaiah 40 copywork
Poem: Tulips
May flowers were on my mind as I chose Tulips, by V.W. Lachicotte. This is not a very well known poet, so I didn’t find a lot of info!
Here is a printable PDF of this poem for you to hang in your school room or dining room!
**Note poem is not as well known as some of the others I’ve chosen, so I could not find a youtube or recording of it. If you find one, let me know!
Hymn: Fairest Lord Jesus
The hymn Fairest Lord Jesus is perfect for the theme of spring and all things lovely about God’s creation! Words by German Jesuits, translated to English by Joseph Seiss, tune called Crusader’s Hymn by a Silesian folk tune, arranged by Richard Willis . Click on the Adobe graphic on this page to download the PDF of the hymn music.
Thank you so much for putting this together! I just found it last night via a google search and plan to print May’s sheet out today. Great job, thanks again!
Thank-you!!!!!!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂
I just put together an entire year’s notebook worth of Bible, poetry, and hymn memory work, thanks to you! Our Morning Time is ready to go! Thanks for all of your hard work, and for sharing that hard work and organization with all of us. God bless.