Need hope? We are all desperate for it. We’ve all had times in our lives when we have been hopeless. I don’t know about you, but I don’t ever want to go back to those times.
Each month, we focus our hearts on a certain topic and PRAY SCRIPTURE about that topic. For April, with the HOPE of the resurrection fresh in our hearts, I wanted to find verses that will encourage our hearts toward hope. In March we prayed 31 verses that led us to the cross. This month, we’ve focused on the cross, we’ve experienced the repentance and forgiveness that are GIFTS from God…and now we are reminding ourselves to place our HOPE in Christ.
Christ alone.
Praying the Scriptures for Hope
Praying the Scriptures
Find the other months of Praying God’s Word here.
Hi Candace,
I just wanted to thank you for all the help you given me in you free downloads. Tonight I downloaded April’s Praying Psalms when you need hope and Hop the Anchor for My Soul.
Right now my daughter and her children need strength as she is going through a divorce that is for her good and especially for her children’s. Next summer they will be making the long trip from Montana home to Texas and I can’t wait to have my grandchildren home and of course my daughter. But I will worry about her until the divorce is over and the whole time she is on the road. But that’s a long time away and I know the Lord has her and the children under His wings. They are all Christian and she has raised some wonderful children by herself. Her husband has been on drugs off and on the whole time they’ve been married. He’s been in and out of prison and the children really don’t even know him. Could you say a prayer for them? I pray every night and all day. God bless you.
Linda, I’m so glad this post came at the right time for you. God is good that way. I will pray for your daughter, that is so, so hard!!
This post is helping me. My relationship is at the lowest point it could be at….yet I still have hope God will intervene and bring us back together again. I trust have hope in God. Please say prayers for me and my boyfriend…that God can let us develop a deeper relationship with Him as individuals, and then as a couple.
Thank you ,for the Praying plans each month. I share them on Facebook and Instagram . My friends and family can follow them each day with me . Love you Christine Pine .
I have been trying download these praying plans and I can’t copy them. I really want to do these. Could you please fix them. Thank you so much.
renewing this comment list as this is April 16, 2021. Are you all still here? Love the topical guides as random doesn’t tell a story as well!!