“I call on you, my God, for you will answer me; turn your ear to me and hear my prayer. Show me the wonders of your great love, you who save by your right hand those who take refuge in you from their foes. Keep me as the apple of your eye; hide me in the shadow of your wings.” Psalm 17:6-8
Lord, I call on You, I know and trust You will answer me. Show me the wonders of Your great and steadfast love. You have saved me and I find refuge in You. Keep me as the apple of Your eye. Hide me in the shadow of Your wings…
Being hidden in the steadfast love of our heavenly Father is a beautiful thing. To be hidden and sheltered and provided for and covered by His love gives us security and peace and contentment.
Think about the things we hide from others…our shame, our faults, the hidden sins, the jealousy, the pride.
Yet, with God…it is a beautiful and wonderful thing to be hidden. He sees the shame, the faults, the sins, the jealousy and pride. And He pulls us close, covers us with His wings and heals our hearts. Being hidden in Christ brings healing. Being hidden in Christ means our enemies can’t touch us. Our salvation and our hope and our joy is secure. We are covered. Covered in love. Healed by love.
Read more about Praying God’s Word here…
Many of us are reading a Psalm a day for the next 150 Days…the Psalms are a balm to my weary soul. If you’d like to join us, you can read more about it here. Also, join me on Instagram to see my daily posts. Look for the hashtags #150DaysInThePsalms or #PrayingThePsalms or #PraiyngTheScriptures
I love your blog! God brought me to it in a critical and crucial time of desperation in my life at my 71 years old especially because my grandchildren, all suffering what children shouldn’t be suffering at any age. Mainly for the youngest Mía 3 years old and of suffering and the oldest
Víctor 19 years old suffering a very sad and devastated life since before birth, and now into marijuana. Lord save them!!!!!!! Give me health, strength, your wisdom to help them know YOU! Trust YOU! Being CONSOLED AND strengthened by YOU!!!! Be guided by YOU!!!! Likewise all your grandchildren!!
I ask these Graces for all my grandchildren and children and myself to live close to you and to have a happy death. Amén! Amén! Amén!
Iam desperate to learn how to pray in the word. I don’t know how I got here but am extremely blessed and excited to receive more.