I am always looking for Biblical resources to teach my kids about life, relationships, and everything in between — like sex. I also love sharing resources with you when I find an excellent one! This new title called The Talk: Relationships is 11 lessons to give kids a greater understanding of Biblical sexuality. It is written for ages 11-14. I admit that this is a hard topic for me to discuss with my kids. So, if you’re like me, this might be a helpful resource for you, too!
This product is launching TODAY and is on sale for $9 in digital format. (Regular price for the digital book will be $11.95.) You can also purchase the hardback copy on Amazon here!
Luke and Trisha Gilkerson are the authors of this new resource and they also have other materials that I have used in the past, too.
More Biblical Resources for Parents
What Information is in the Study?
Relationships is a book geared towards kids 11 years old and up. It will delve into a number of topics:
- Lesson 1 looks at the original goodness of sexuality and marriagerelationships as God created them.
- Lesson 2 addresses how sin has brought about sexual brokennessinto the world, including our propensity to lust.
- Lesson 3 exposes the varieties of sexual and relational temptationsin the world: from masturbation to pornography use to homosexual activities.
- Lesson 4 covers three biblical strategies for avoiding and overcoming lust.
- Lesson 5 discusses how we should guard our hearts from sexual and relational idolatry.
- Lesson 6 talks about how we need to make a covenant with our eyes to avoid temptation.
- Lesson 7 talks about the importance of fleeing sexually tempting situations.
- Lesson 8 addresses the biblical strategy of pursuing intimacy with God and cultivating gratitude for wholesome pleasures.
- Lesson 9 discusses the importance of being wise in our opposite-sex friendships.
- Lesson 10 addresses the value of accountability relationships.
- Lesson 11 gives students and their parents a picture of the life-transforming grace of God for sexual sinners.
Read more about the entire series from Luke & Trisha Gilkerson!
My kids (age 14-16) already read similar books and know the basics of what sex is, plus we have verbally told them… wondering if this book would be too elementary for them or not? I’m looking for a book that tackles the temptation issue in a positive, not shaming, way.