I’m sure most of us can recall awkward and painful moments from our middle and high school years. I’ve heard many people say that middle school years were the worst years of their lives. Sometimes it’s just as hard to be the parent of a teen or tween!
As a mom of three children in the teen and tween category, prayer has become a greater weapon than ever before. We will never be perfect parents, but we can be praying parents.
Praying God’s Word has been a journey for me. It started in a dark season of depression when I had no words to pray. It turned into transformative prayer that has changed my relationship with God over the years. Praying the Scriptures is for all of us because it helps us to pray the Words and will of God. His Word gives us words when we have none. His Word strengthens us in our weakness. The Holy Spirit uses God’s Word to convict, encourage and inspire.
What better way to pray for our children than to pray the very Word of God?
I want to share with you 10 verses that can be powerful prayers for our teens and tweens!
Thank you so much for sharing this important weapon of praying scriptures for our tweens. What a great tool for parents to keep in their parenting toolbox! So thankful to have you sharing with us!
I’m getting an error when I try to click on the 10 verses. Can this be fixed?