I remember the days of old;
I meditate on all that you have done;
I ponder the work of your hands.
I stretch out my hands to you;
my soul thirsts for you like a parched land.
Psalm 143:5-6
Behold Your God
Have you taken time to reflect over all that God has done, the days of old, the works of His hands? Have you stretched out your hands to God and thirsted for Him like no other?
There is something to be said for keeping a gratitude journal or thankful journal. There is something to be said for looking back over all the many gifts God has given you. In our human minds we forget all that God has done. We can’t even remember what we had for breakfast.
Yet, when we write things down, we are keeping a record not only for ourselves but for future generations to see the faithfulness of God!
Science actually shows that when we write down our blessings, something happens in our very physical body. We begin changing. We begin to see differently. We notice. Our eyes are more fully open. Our hearts, too.
Take a quick moment and think about the things you write down throughout your day. Now, you may be more digital than I am, but I still WRITE in an actual paper planner, I write down my grocery list, notes to my kids, in my prayer journal…you get the idea.
But, why do we write things down?
We write things down that we want to remember.
I don’t know about you, but I want to remember God’s faithfulness more than my circumstances or my problems. I want to behold God and His goodness more than the things of this world.
Praying the Scriptures
Lord, help me to remember Your mighty works, help me to recount them to my family. May we ponder the works of Your hands and the days of old. We stretch out our hands to you, our woulds thirst for You in a dry and weary land.
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