What if…what if today instead of seeing the flab on my arm I wish wasn’t there I saw the muscle that didn’t used to be there either? What if instead of seeing the stretch marks I’ve tried to rid my body of I saw the amazing ways God made my body to bring life into this world? What if instead of seeing the flab around the middle I saw the inches now gone?
What if I saw this same progress in other areas of my life instead of all the ways I’m still lacking? What if I saw the abundance of emotions as more healing than burying them deep within?
What if I saw this same good in others and cheered them on for how FAR THEY HAVE COME?! What if we saw each other as overcomers??!!
What if I stopped focusing on the shame and started focusing on the grace? What if I had eyes to see God in the hard and in the struggle? What if I more quickly noticed the growth instead of the thorns? .
What if…
Candace, thank you for these powerful positive words. ❤️
This post was perfect for my morning devotional today; reminding me to focus on & be grateful for the plentiful positive He has provided me in my life. Thank you for taking time out of your own hectic day to help those of us that need this reminding.