I just finished this book and you need to read it. Yes, you do.
In a Pit with a Lion on a Snowy Day was written by Mark Batterson. He is the same author of The Circle Maker which I also loved. Now I think I want to read all his books!
Don’t let the title of this book turn you off. I thought it was an odd title. Until I read the book. Now the title just FIRES ME UP to do BATTLE with the enemy and stop letting my fears & insecurities get the best of me!
This book is based on an obscure story in the Bible, one that I did not remember, about a man named Benaiah, in 2 Samuel, chased a lion into a pit and killed it.
Now, pretty crazy, huh!? But, write a book about it?
Y’all. If you struggle with fear, calling, insecurity, chasing dreams or just living life to the fullest, you need this book!
“God is in the business of strategically placing us in the right place at the right time. A sense of destiny is our birthright as followers of Christ. God is awfully good at getting us where He wants us to go. But here’s the catch: The right place often seems like the wrong place, and the right time often seems like the wrong time.
Encountering a lion in the wild is typically a bad thing…”
But God used this lion in this man’s life to lead him to his calling.
“What sets lion catchers apart isn’t the outcome. It’s the courage to chase God-sized dreams. Lion chasers don’t let their fears or doubts keep them from doing what God has called them to do.”
“Don’t let mental lions keep you from experiencing everything God has to offer. The greatest breakthroughs in your life will happen when you push through the fear. The defining moments will double as the scariest decisions. But you’ve got to face those fears and begin the process of unlearning them.”
“It took a setback to get us where God wanted us to go. It took a God-ordained opportunity that came as a really well-disguised problem.”
Anyone else getting pumped up like I am? God takes what we see as PROBLEMS and turns them into OPPORTUNITIES. Why don’t we trust Him? We’ve seen Him do this time and time and time again!
Our biggest problems start looking like our greatest opportunities.
I had a wise friend tell me recently to not run from the suffering or the hurt, but to embrace it, because God will do His greatest work in my heart through it.
Isn’t that a beautiful thought? That God will use what hurts to make us who He wants us to be and bring Himself glory!??
“Don’t let what’s wrong with you keep you from worshiping what’s right with God.”
It’s about our focus. Are we zooming in on the problem? Or are we allowing God to mold us, prune us, sanctify us. We must focus on HIM and not the problem. Let HIM do HIS THING.
Candance I just wanted to let you know what a blessing your posts are in my life. I have read lots of books that you have recommended and looooved them all.
I praise the Lord for finding you in the internet. You have instilled in me the love for the psalms, my God they are amazing!!!
I applaud your braveness and your vulnerability. I pray for you so you can keep touching many lives, so God bless you and keep going because through you God is touching many hearts.
Greetings from Guatemala!!!
Thank you!
I have to leave a story about this book – one of our daughters and her husband attend the church community that Mark Batterson is part of. One weekend we visited. At the end of the service, they announced to the visitors to come up and get a copy of this book. It was raining and wanted to get to the car and we have lots of books. When we got back to their apt. they mentioned how good the book was and that we could read their copy. We got back to Texas and loved the book and wanted a copy of our own. We emailed the church and asked how could we get a copy of our own. Instead of an email reply, we received a case of 24 copies of this book in the mail. What a joy it was giving away copies. Great book! Thank you for sharing!!