Every time I sit on my front porch, which is typically multiple times a day, I am reminded of my baby birds that have now left the nest. I have become the old lady who collects house plants and enjoys watching birds. I don’t even care that it makes me seem old. It brings me joy.
I love that these birds in the nest and at my feeders have become a reminder, a visual, of God’s provision for me. Those babies did nothing but wait in that little nest for mama and papa bird to bring them food. Nothing. Not a thing but lay there, breathe and occasionally chirp a bit.
What if I stop striving and instead seek to KNOW HIM as God and provider and peace and hope and joy?! What if I am really okay as I am without trying to do more, be more, accomplish more? What if it’s enough for me to surrender, be still and let Him do what He does best?!
“Be still and know that I am God…” and I love the version that says, “cease striving…” because I’ve done a lot of striving in my life. Not all striving is bad. It’s the mindset that goes with it that I must be aware of. Am I trying to earn something? Approval? Enough-ness? Self preservation?
Be still and KNOW HIM.
“What is more, I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of KNOWING CHRIST Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them garbage, that I may gain Christ and be found in Him…” Philippians 3:8.
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