The soundtrack of my childhood and every holiday growing up: hymns. Thanks, much in part, to my grandma.
Two weeks ago I had my last visit with my grandma this side of heaven. I did what I do when I don’t have words of my own: I read psalms over her. Holding her worn Bible with all the verses underlined…reading passages I’m sure she prayed over me and our family: sacred moments.
We didn’t live near grandparents for most of my growing up years, but one thing I could count on was time spent around the piano every time family gathered. My dad on the piano and singing tenor, aunts, uncles, cousins, and my grandma all taking different parts and creating a lifetime of harmony amid the chaos.
Time is a funny thing. Last Monday, my dad and I sang “around the piano” in her room, with my grandma, one last time. And I couldn’t help but be reminded of all those Elvis tunes, Christmas carols and most of all: the hymns.
And I am grateful. Not for the perfect childhood or parents or grandparents I look back on with rose colored glasses, but for the times around the piano, despite our differences, and the love I always felt from my grandparents.
There’s a land that is fairer than day,
And by faith we can see it afar;
For the Father waits over the way
To prepare us a dwelling place there.
In the sweet by and by,
We shall meet on that beautiful shore;
In the sweet by and by,
We shall meet on that beautiful shore.
**Thank you for bearing with me as I share these words in this space. My blog is like my scrapbook of sorts and I wanted to have these words to come back to later. My grandmother met Jesus face to face and was reunited with my grandpa on 10/22/20. Her obituary is here. Thank you also for all of the comments, messages and prayers on social media over the last 2 weeks.
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