“Be transformed by the renewing of your mind…” Rom. 12:2
“Set your mind on things above, not on things of the earth…” Col. 3:2
“You will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you…” Isaiah 26:3
But how? How do we renew our minds, set our minds on things above and help our minds stay on Him?
SCRIPTURE MEMORY is one of my favorite ways.
Some say we have over 70-80,000 thoughts in a day. Whoa. How many of those are true, noble, lovely and right? How many of those thoughts are what the enemy is whispering to us?
What if we determined that even just a few of those would be TRUTH? What if we were proactive to fill our minds with truth so that there was no room left for the lies?
Every month I do a scripture or book plan in my stories. I’m so excited about this one! Join me starting May 1st as we pick & choose from this awesome book verses to fill our minds with? Choose one or choose all 100. Each day’s reading also has a short devotional reading to go with the verse.
Grab the book at this link and spend the next 100 days (give or take) doing one of the most important & powerful things you can ever do for yourself & for your mind! Join me on my stories each morning (the little circles at the top of your IG feed or squares at the top of your FB feed) and that is where we chat about the daily verses! Follow me on Instagram here.
PDF to download of 100 Verses (scroll down)

Click below to download a higher quality version if you’d like to print it!
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