“As parents, we give careful thought and attention to providing for our children. Would a mother send her young child out into the cold without a coat and hat? Would a father forget to feed his children? Knowing their dependence on us for protection and provision, our hearts are attuned to our children’s physical and emotional needs. In many cases we know their needs even before they do, and fulfill their needs before they ask…if we would give such careful attention to our children’s physical safety and emotional well-being, why would we ever send them away without a spiritual covering?” Jennifer Kennedy Dean, from the introduction of Legacy of Prayer.
My prayer life has ups and downs, just like yours does, I’m sure. I have days, weeks even, where I question God’s sovereignty ~ not that He is sovereign ~ but asking the WHY question. I have days where I question and doubt my “ability” to pray. I have times where the quiet of my heart are the only prayers offered up. I have times when doubt creeps in.
But, God has put such a burden on my heart to earnestly and continually be praying for my children.
I’m not faithful, but He is.
These are 5 {now 8 since I have updated this list!} books that have encouraged, inspired and motivated me to get on my knees and fervently be in prayer for my children. I hope they will encourage you in the same way.
8 Books for Praying Moms
Praying the Scriptures for Your Children ~ this book I have mentioned on my blog several times, it is probably my favorite book to use when I need some specific, Scriptural prayers to pray over my children. This book is broken up into chapters, each chapter describing a different thing to be praying over our children: faith, salvation, character, relationships, future, etc. And with each chapter there are several pages of Scriptures that you can pray by just inserting your child’s name! I love this part of the book. I can open to any of those pages and just pray those verses over my children at anytime.
Upside-Down Prayers for Parents: Thirty-One Daring Devotions for Entrusting Your Child–and Yourself–to God ~ this is a newer book in my collection, I purchased it after reading about it at Oh Amanda’s blog, where she went on to do a book club with it. These prayers are not your typical prayers, thus the title: Upside Down Prayers. But I LOVE this about the book, these prayers are digging in and getting to the heart of God for our children. Prayers like, “I pray you’ll get caught doing wrong,” and “I pray you’ll get weary and give up and learn that with submission comes strength.” Wow. These are prayers that question our ability to truly want and pray God’s will for our children’s lives.
Prayer Warrior Mom: Covering Your Kids with God’s Blessings and Protection ~ I received this book for review and knew I would love it. This book is more of the motivation and sweet encouragement we all need to pray for our kids. There are a few Scriptures and questions at the end of each chapter, also, that will help you to get more out of the book and apply it to your own life.
Legacy of Prayer: A Spiritual Trust Fund for the Generations ~ I’ve had this book on my shelf for years, ever since Jennifer Kennedy Dean spoke at my church many moons ago. This book will truly light a fire in you for leaving a legacy for your children ~ and not just any legacy ~ a legacy of prayer. The author talks about how we are building up a “trust fund” with our prayers for future generations. This book will help you to see how your prayers can affect generations to come.
Praying God’s Word: Breaking Free from Spiritual Strongholds ~ This book isn’t just for parents, but I love Beth Moore and I love taking this book, finding a specific need of a child (or a friend) and praying those verses over them. Praying God’s Word has become my favorite way to pray and this book is such an aid in that. The topics in this book are things like idolatry, pride, strongholds, overcoming the enemy, etc.
Praying Circles Around the Lives of Your Children ~ this book took the booklet below (the 2.99 shorter book) and expounded on it. I have loved it so much. Very practical, which I need! I ended up creating this Scripture Gift for Children after reading this book! Have you chosen verses from Scripture to pray for your children?
Praying Circles around Your Children ~ {this is a shorter, condensed version of the book above} I read this kindle book when it was free a few months ago and feel that it is worth every penny of the $2.99. It’s a short read, but VERY motivating and reminding us how important it is to pray for our children. I love the specific ways this book includes to pray because they are things I had never thought of before. If you need some fresh motivation and ideas for praying, this is a great place to start.
The Warrior ~ it was written by Joyce Swann. This book is actually a fictional story but it is SO encouraging and challenging and convicting in the area of praying for our children!! I hope you will take a look at this book. I loved it.
What books are your favorite books to encourage you to pray for your kids?
love these books!
I am pinning this and adding these books to my list. Prayer – it seems like something that we can just do. But, I do find that my life is so full of God when I really sit down and pray to worship and gain a greater relationship with my God and Savior – not just tell him what I want him to do for me, but really want to know WHO he is!! Thank you for linking up!
Thanks for this list, I’ll probably add them all to my list!
Prayer is very high on my list. As a single mom of two boys for the last 8 years.
I am putting these books on would love to have list. At the present time, I have the power of the praying Parent by Stormie Omartian and Prayers for my Teens by Mark Gregston. I read both every night. Being a mom of boys can be very trying. But rewarding at the same time. I am teaching my boys the following: “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks. Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake. Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake.
God Bless -Magali
I love this.. I am going to pin this post so I remember to go back and look these up!