Words just almost don’t seem adequate to describe this past weekend at Allume. But I’m a blogger, I will try. 🙂
10 of my favorite memories from Allume
- Meeting Ann Voskamp & Emily Freeman ~ 2 of my favorite authors of 2 of my favorite books: One Thousand Gifts
and Million Little Ways, A: Uncover the Art You Were Made to Live
It took a little bit of bravery on my part. Actually a lot. But I knew I would regret it for the rest of my life if I didn’t do it. 🙂 What a gift to be able to tell these women how much of a blessing they have been to me. - The swag bag, of course! Ya’ll, I brought home so.much.stuff that was just given to us! (see pic below) What a HUGE blessing for a book nerd like me. 🙂
- Compassion Bloggers meet-up – it was so wonderful to be reminded of why I love Compassion so much and am so proud to be a part of this group. Loved hearing from Shaun Groves and Bri McKoy as they shared that all the bloggers over the last 5 years of this blogging program have helped get over 6,000 children sponsored!! Wow!!
- Favorite Sessions: Keynotes: Ann Voskamp, Melanie Shankle, Emily Freeman, Jeff Shinabarger Workshop/Sessions: Edie, Jessica Turner, Laura Parker, Nester & her husbandÂ
- Meeting and seeing such precious friends: riding with Marcy, staying with Leslie Nunnery {creators of Teach Them Diligently conferences,}Â meeting Kendra, Stef, Heather, Ann Marie, Carol Anne, Connie and so many more.
- ONE – God gave me this word while I was at Allume. He reminded me time and time again through the speakers and sessions that HE ALONE should be my audience for my blog. I think I have some praying and re-thinking to do. He reminded me that He is the only ONE that can satisfy my soul. He is the only ONE worthy of all my praise and adoration. ONE.
- Worship – honestly, I would not have expected great and amazing music much less worship at a blogging conference. But we had some revival, yes we did. Anthony Evans, Jr. came one evening to do a concert for us. He shared that the ladies in the audience really surprised him because we were on our feet, hands in the air WORSHIPING when he had come prepared with a concert. I loved every minute. The next evening we had David Walker Worship band and they were equally as awesome. While this band led worship, we had 6 or 8 artists around the room painting as their offering of worship while we sang. It was amazing. I have never experienced anything like it. {see the very top picture in the collage above}
- Impact Opportunities – these were so fabulous. And I could only choose one, but everyone I heard from loved theirs as much as I did. I was blessed to be able to write encouraging words and scriptures to girls that a ministry is helping to rescue from human trafficking. Then we prayed over these sweet gifts we had made for them. Dayspring provided all the cards and gifts we were preparing for each girl. I loved this so much.
- The encouragement that was woven through the speakers, the sessions, the leadership of allume, even the table decorations. The reminder that God had given us each a story and that no matter the size of our platform, we are here for such a time as this, so use this gift wisely!
- Amazing ministries to shop from that are blessing those less fortunate on the other side of the world. Some of my favorites: FreesetUSA, Mercy House, Compassion, Operation Christmas Child, Seed Company, Sole Hope, Ornaments 4 Orphans. I cannot tell you how much I love shopping for my family and for gifts knowing that my purchase is helping those less fortunate around the world. Love, love, love. I bought my kids annual Christmas ornaments from the Ornaments4Orphans organization!!
Precious friends & divine appointments
I hope to share more notes from my favorite sessions as I get time. For now, Allume was amazing. I hope and pray I get the opportunity to go again in the future! If you’re a regular reader around here, you know it has been a rough few weeks. God knew what I needed and exactly when I would need it most. He is so faithful.
Thanks so much for coming to my meet-up! It was great to meet you. xo
Thanks Jessica!! You were just as fun and precious as I thought you would be after reading your blog for several years. 🙂 And also I realized later that night that I was distracted as I walked out and forgot I would have loved to snap a pic with you. 🙂 Maybe there will be a next time!!
Oh, I would so love to go next year!
Love your word “one”!! So true that we are to do all for the glory of God.
Oh, can you list the books you got? Interested in some of them. Always looking for something to read.
LOVE it!! You are too cute! And I hope to see you again next year if we don’t meet up at TTD!!
So glad to meet you, Candace! Thanks for your kind words.
SUCH a gift for me. Thank you. 🙂 Can’t wait to have our book club meeting in November!!
It was really nice having a chance to chat a little this past weekend. I pray the weekend blesses you and your family – and that your new friendships grow and glorify God for many years to come.
LOVED meeting you!
you too, Kendra!! #1000gifts
I really hope to get to go next year… that is one of my BIG blogging goals! I always hear such wonderful things each year and stalk the twitter feed each time! 😛 Hopefully will get to meet you and many more next year!