I’m so excited to share with you a BRAND NEW subscriber FREEBIE: a FREE guide to praying Scripture that I pray will help you to start your New Year off learning how to pray God’s Word!! And because I love my readers & subscribers. 🙂 I pray over this blog and the resources I share and I ask the Lord to give me ideas that will encourage you. I have LOVED seeing all the pictures of women in the Word this Advent season with Jesus, Light of the World!! Oh, how that BLESSES me so much!!
**If you have been encouraged and blessed by any of the “Praying the Scriptures” resources, would you take just a moment and share this freebie?
How to Pray God’s Word
This is a short and simple PDF download that explains the HOW and WHY…along with several printable resources for you!!
I have been asked so many times, WHAT IS praying the Scriptures? How do you do it? I’m not sure it’s for me!
This little guide will tell you more about what it is and how I do it, but this little guide is not the end all! I’m praying that the Lord would speak to you in your time with Him and He may reveal to you even more creative ideas for praying His Word!!
Go here to subscribe! (click here to subscribe)
**Directions to download: When you subscribe, you will receive an email with your download link. Please let me know, after 24 hours, if you do not receive email!
Free Guide to Praying Scripture Includes
- 4 pages of “how-to” and my heart in praying God’s Word
- 5 printables resources for YOU to write on and personalize with your prayers
- 2 lovely printables to frame or gift
- a closing prayer for each of us
I love to take free Scripture printables and place them around my home! Take an old clipboard and hang or set on a shelf! Then it makes it very easy to change it out from time to time!!
I already subscribe….not sure where to find the password.
Edwena, I sent an email! Let me know if you didn’t get it. 🙂
Thanks for sharing your info. I really appreciate your efforts and
I am waiting for your further post thank you once
Is there anyway to make a log in page? I don’t really understand the website. Do you always have to go back to the email to get to the subscriber page? I think I am making this much harder than it needs to be, haha!
Willene, there is a log in page! Feel free to book mark it! 🙂 You just need the PASSWORD to get in, no username or anything!
I do not post it publicly because of spam and bots trying to log in to it. So far this has been the best way (that i know of) to provide freebies for subscribers, but I know it’s not perfect. 🙂