Gratitude changes everything.
One thing I have learned is that my attitude, my joy, my contentment and my peace of heart all are more present in my life when I am living a grateful life.
Gratitude kills discontentment.
Gratitude kills comparison.
Gratitude kills fear.
Gratitude can radically change our perspective and our hearts.
Spend the next 31 days cultivating a grateful heart and life.
I will be sharing quotes, Bible verses, books and journaling prompts to help us build HABITS of gratefulness, THOUGHTS of gratefulness and PRAYERS of gratefulness.
I believe there are practical ways to CULTIVATE the fruit of gratitude in our lives. I hope to share some ideas with you, but I would also love for you to share your ideas for cultivating gratitude in your life!
Did you know that it has been scientifically proven that gratitude can change our lives? Go read a few of these articles if you’d like proof for yourself! The Importance of Gratitude, How Gratitude Can Change Your Life, Write Down Things You’re Thankful For To Build Your Own Happiness, Take the Joy Dare & Why, Take the Happiness Dare,
Today our project is going to be to start a gratitude journal. But a little bit more than a gratitude list. I know, many of you probably already do this! Let’s include our favorite quotes on gratitude, Bible verses, fall nature finds, anything like that. What if you took some time this month to make a NEW one…just for fall and thanksgiving time…something fresh and inspiring just to help you have a renewed sense of importance for this idea!?
To cultivate the fruit of gratitude in our lives, I believe we must be intentional and proactive. Let’s start today!
Journal Cover
I created this very simple PDF if you’d like to print it and put it on your journal! Feel free to be creative and create your own cover, too!
To print this, print at the size you need. I printed at 75% to get it to fit on my Moleskine Journal that I’m using. I used a paintbrush and Mod Podge to get my cover on. I put it on the back of the cover to stick to journal, and then did 2 coats on top of the cover to seal it and hopefully make it last longer.
Join our Facebook Group of Encouragement
If you’d like to discuss this series, encourage others and receive encouragement along the journey, come to our closed group of encouragement and join us! You will need to request to join, I will click on your profile and as long as you look like a real person {grin} I will accept your request to join us!
I would love for you to post PICTURES of your gratitude journals or quotes or thoughts as we go along…use the hashtag #CultivateGratitude on Instagram and we can find each other!
Gratitude Resources
- Pinterest Board for Cultivating Gratitude
- One Thousand Gifts
- The Happiness Dare
- 30 Verses of Thanksgiving
- Choosing Gratitude
- Moleskin Journals
- 40 Days to a Joy Filled Life
I cannot begin to tell you how thankful I am for “finding” your website. Three years ago I started copying my Bible. Started in Genesis and went through to the end. I learned SO much from writing the Scriptures out. I did not want to do that for the fourth year, so I googled “Scripture writing” and found you. Your monthly verses and focus verses bring me so much more richness! I find I am spending up to two hours writing! Copying what you suggest, leads me to other verses, books, etc and I copy them as well. It is a beautiful and peacefull time that I get to spend with Scripture and listening to what God is teaching me. There is so much more I want to tell you, but I know that it would be too much!! I pray that you will accept and simple and heartfelt “thank you” from my very heart.
Ich fuehle mich wie ein Dinosaurier. Lese einfach lieber richtige Buecher anstatt E-books. Aber ich werde das Gefuehl nicht los, dass ich bald umsteigen muss. Hatte gestern auf schon zwei Buecher gefunden, die ich lesen wollte, die es aber nur als E-book gibt. Danke fuer Deine Info zur Borders Insolvenz!
How early is early? Haha. I remember in high school I used to get up at 5 or 6 am but now I get up at like 7 or 8 am I'm getting old! Lol.Good luck with the resolution though 😀 I think you can definitely stick to it!Yasmeen