I finally have a new Write the Word plan up for you!! I can’t believe how many requests I’ve gotten to KEEP MAKING these Scripture writing plans! I love it when you tell me what is helpful for you! <3
1st & 2nd Thesslonians made a great plan that will take you about a month if you follow this plan!
{You can find Psalm 119, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, James, 1 & 2 Peter, Last Days of Jesus and a Women of the Word plans ALL on this page!}
But why write the Word? Why do we write things down?
What is “write the word” or a “scripture writing plan?” You can read all about it and watch a video where I explain more by going to this page.
We write things down that we want to remember.
Why wouldn’t we want to write down the most important Words there are?
His Word is life to us — write it down!
His Word is a treasure — treat it as such!
His Word is comfort to us — allow Him to comfort you as you write.
His Word is conviction to us through His Holy Spirit — soften your heart as you write. Allow the Holy Spirit to work in your life as you write and pray His Word.
Write the Word 1 and 2 Thessalonians PDF
Hi Candace, we are using this at the moment but discovered you missed verses in 1Thess 4 and 5. Is there a reason, or just an error.
Thanks for creating these. We used the phillipians one and Colossians. They have been so helpful.
I am sure it’s just an error. 😬 after all these years no one else has pointed it out 😂😂 you win the prize! Thank you so much for commenting and letting me know you’re using and enjoying the resources!! That means the world!