I simply must do some type of autumn unit every year! I’m so excited about this unit…not sure why, but every year I think I’m not going to have anything *new* to do for an autumn unit, but yet again I have found so many great ideas around the web! This year I decided to focus in a little more on learning more specifically about trees and doing fun crafts and activities with fall leaves! (As I’m typing this up it is really looking like more than we can get done in a week…we may pick and choose from this list or I may extend the unit to 2 weeks, we’ll see!)
I thought I’d go ahead and post my notes for next week…if anyone has any neat ideas to share, please post me a comment!
Books for our unit
Lessons, Crafts and More
*We will memorize and illustrate the poem Trees by Joyce Kilmer. We will probably write the last line as copywork.
I think that I shall never see
A poem lovely as a tree.
A tree whose hungry mouth is prest
Against the sweet earth’s flowing breast;
A tree that looks at God all day,
And lifts her leafy arms to pray;
A tree that may in summer wear
A nest of robins in her hair;
Upon whose bosom snow has lain;
Who intimately lives with rain.
Poems are made by fools like me,
But only God can make a tree.
*I want to choose one tree in our yard to learn more about. Sadly enough, I don’t even know what kind of trees we have in our own yard! I want to choose one, figure out what kind it is, draw it in our nature journal and possibly get some of its leaves to draw as well.
*HSS has a unit for the book Meeting Trees, it looks great! Unfortunately, our library does not have this book. For anyone that has read this book, would it be worth purchasing?
*Here is another HSS multi-book unit on Fall Leaves. We will definitely print off the leaf diagrams, the leaf margin classification page, and a few other listed lessons for this unit.
*Learn and discuss the difference between simple and compound leaves.
*Go on a leaf hunt and find leaves changing colors
*While on the leaf hunt, we may have to use this idea I saw on Crafty Crow for making nature faces! Is this not cute?
*What about another cute leaf idea from Crafty Crow for leaf people?
*How about a Fall Leaf Mobile?
*Or an autumn window collage…
*Use THIS page to print off some pages for a leaf collection book
*Wouldn’t it be great to have tea time this week with apple cider, mini pumpkin pies and an autumn scented candle burning at the table?
It is Autumn here now and I have just found your post…very timely! Thanks for sharing