A few readers have asked if I would post a “typical day” in our household. So, over the weekend I told myself that TODAY, Monday, would be the day! Quite honestly, nosy little me really enjoys reading these on other blogs, so why not post a play-by-play of our day! I sure hope you enjoy reading about our day! 🙂
5:30am – David’s alarm goes off (we both discussed the night before how we wanted, no needed to be getting up earlier to spend some time with the Lord, I told David to set the alarm for whatever time he thought…and he chose 5:30am.)**note: in the interest of being real and transparent, the only day I ever got up at 5:30am was the day I typed up this entry, or maybe the rare occurance that I have to be somewhere early that morning. 🙂
5:37am -David gets up and gets in shower
5:38am – I happily, um, drag myself out of bed and spend some much needed time on my knees with God (let me just say here that up until um, today, I had been sleeping until the kids woke up, which is usually 7:30 or 8am.)
6:08am – put Bible and journal away, take shower
6:25am – turn on computer
6:29am – computer finally comes on, I check email, facebook and a quick message board
6:40am – get off dumb computer and start work on the first “job” I had allotted for today – straightening the craft desk in my room. Folks, this place is a mess!
7am – can’t believe how much I can get done before the kids even wake up! (someone please remind me of this tomorrow morning)
7:08 – finish Hannah’s birthday invitations (Hannah wants a butterfly birthday this year, I love how these turned out! One box of cute little paper flowers and butterflies adds so much to these!)
7:20 – try to find some praise music to turn on, don’t have much luck. Turn on radio to a station that plays mostly praise& worship
7:23 – get back on computer and start typing up this entry! (are you bored yet?)
7:40 – still on computer, reading a few blogs and still not believing the kids aren’t awake. Darn, I should have exercised this morning. Well, I can’t get to it all, right?!?!
7:45 – start getting breakfast things out for the kids…waiting for them to wake up…praying for kindness, compassion, patience…all those things I’m usually lacking. My day is prayed up today, please help me to be the mom You want me to be.
7:50am – cut out the rest of our lapbooking pieces needed for this week
8:08am – I realize I’m hungry! I eat a muffin, take my vitamins and get out a big cup full of water. Pretend it tastes good.
8:10am – the girls wake up, I notice that they are in shock to see me up, showered and getting breakfast ready!
8:15am – girls eat breakfast, I put lots of dirty dishes into dishwasher
8:20am – start a load of laundry
8:23am – blowdry my hair
8:27am – girls finish breakfast and start their morning jobs
8:29am – first cry of the day, I won’t let Hannah wear a Sunday dress today
8:35am – still continuing on with first cry of the day, me typing a few more things to this blog entry
8:40am – I think crying has stopped for time being, girls doing jobs
8:45am – I get books and things together to start school
8:46am – Caleb gets up, I get his breakfast
8:47am – Caleb eats a few bites of muffin and then wants to play with legos (good thing this boy loves his vitamins!)
8:50am – Emily and I work on straightening the school/play room while we wait on Hannah to finish jobs
8:58am – I forgot to do my Monday Morning weigh-in. I didnt’ gain, but didn’t lose. That’s ok, today is a new day and I’m getting BACK to routine and BACK to drinking lots of water! (I’m down 16 pounds so far from the last few months! Yipee!)
9am – more crying, still about wanting to wear a dress. I give her one warning and tell her we are ready to do school and she needs to get her jobs finished. I pray for some grace to fill up my heart for this girl.
9:06am – put clothes in dryer, start another load
9:08am – I give Caleb his new letter for this week – B! He gets to stick stickers of BALLS on his letter b. He loves it! 🙂 I give Emily a snowman to color. Hannah is doing her jobs, slowly but surely. Maybe eventually we’ll start school today. Can’t believe I’ve been up for 3.5 hours!
9:19am – finally starting school! Yipee! First we work on our scripture memory (2 verses from Psalm 51 this week) then we talk about prayer requests and take turns praying
9:28am – “circle time” kind of stuff – days of week, spanish words, jumping jacks
9:40am – read Snowflake Bentley
9:50am – look at pictures on computer of photographs Wilson Bentley took of snowflakes, watch video from link I posted in my winter unit study
9:51am – Caleb is crying because I won’t let him watch tv, he gets over it pretty quickly and watches the video on the snowflake Man with us
10am – Sing Whiter than Snow at piano, pretty hymn, the kids aren’t much interested…
10:10am – work on lapbook pieces about clouds – talk about 3 types of clouds and how a cloud forms
10:25am – decorate our winter journals with snowflake stickers
10:43 – math time!
10:45 – I switch loads of laundry while girls work on math problems
10:50am – I let Caleb watch the Letter Factory video (all of a sudden he is loving this dvd?!?!)
11am – girls done with math and are watching Letter Factory with Caleb. I am checking email and trying to think of something fabulous to have for lunch. I’m sure it will include peanut butter and cheese somehow. 🙂
11:13am – still trying to think of something for lunch
11:14 – check mail, 2 packages! Yay! I got Rocket Phonics in the mail to review! I’m excited to try this with Caleb and Emily! (they have games for 3 & 4 year olds that come with their program!)
11:30am – peanut butter and crackers, cheese sticks and banana. With a little apple juice. Folks, we eat fancy around here!
11:40am – I sit down with my crackers and cheese and surf the web.
11:49am – trying to get up the courage to do the snow craft I told the girls we would after lunch! What was I thinking?!? Isn’t it naptime yet? Getting up at 5:30am sure does allow me to get alot done, but WOW has it been a long day already! LOL!
12noon – get next load of clothes out of dryer, Fold/hang wrinkle-ables, the rest of the clothes are in a huge pile on our bed
12:07pm – find supplies for craft with kids
12:09 – start craft with kids
12:35pm – done with craft, turns out cute! Here is a sneak peek, I’ll post more about the craft later! (hint: the snowman is made of cut up marshmellows!!)
12:40pm – turn on tv to see if there are any kids shows on PBS at this hour. (did I mention that we JUST cut off our cable? We’re trying to live without. for the 3rd time in our marriage, lol! Caleb is going to go into withdrawel not having his Backyardigans, Franklin and Little Bear! But, think of all the money we’ll save this year!)
12:41pm – low and behold, Word World is on and it’s *educational* hee hee!
12:42pm – I am finding myself wondering if anyone is still reading all this nonsense! LOL! Seriously, other homeschooling moms, is this what your day looks like? Is this normal? I can’t believe I”ve been up since 5:30am…I’m tired. I haven’t even done any cleaning today! LOL!
1:18pm – I am still sitting here. The kids have watched Word World and now Between the Lions. After that the tv is going off and we are going to have rest time. I’m the one that needs it today!
1:20pm – fold a few more clothing items. still large pile on bed. 🙂
1:30pm – have kids find places to rest (separate rooms)
1:32pm – I read a chapter in a book and sleep for a bit!
3pm – wake up and for the 2nd time today do not want to get out of bed! LOL!
3:30pm – pop back on computer to update you on our exciting afternoon. I tell ya, this is probably the hardest part of the day for me. I’m tired, my motivation from earlier in the day has completely left me and I don’t feel like doing anything productive! And today it’s rainy and gloomy on top of that! Thankfully I don’t have to really “cook” anything for supper, I pulled out something I already made from the freezer! I’ll just have to stick it in the oven around 5pm.
3:36pm – time to get up and assess the house. Probably more laundry and get it all put away…
3:50pm – straighten play room table enough to show kids the Snowflake memory game that I printed (shared a link in yesterday’s “more snow links” post.)
4pm – put more laundry away
4:15pm – the girls Upward basketball coach calls. We DO have practice tonight, I didn’t think we did. Guess I”ll have to find decent clothes and put on make up today afterall. HA!
4:17pm – get myself another big ole glass of water. I’m tellin ya, love this water.
4:20pm – kids still playing with snowflake memory
4:25pm – Hannah asks to make some cards for her birthday, so I let her have some butterfly stickers and make some thank-you notes for after her birthday to use! Yay! That will be nice to have those already made! She just wrote thank-you on the front and put a few butterfly stickers! We’ll write the insides after her party.
4:40pm – Caleb is having serious withdrawl with none of “his shows” today. It really hasn’t been THAT bad, but I’m glad we turned off the cable when we did, we don’t need to watch it as much as we were.
5pm – time to turn on the oven and put dinner in to cook
5:25pm – the kids and I are eating our supper, I fixed David’s plate…he’ll be home in a few minutes
Well, folks, if you stayed with me all day thank you! I’m sorry if you were bored to tears! 🙂 At this point in the day we will finish up supper, change clothes for Upward basketball practice and head out to church! When we get home it will be about bedtime! WooHoo!! Hope you enjoyed a Day in the Life of…me and my kiddos!
Precious Hannah, crying over not wearing her dress!!! We should not be surprised. Poor child. It is too funny to be sad. The other night she cried over not having the same kind of popsicle that Emily had. Actually, hers was better, to me, than Emily’s which was the last one of that kind. What kid cries over having a popsicle! I don’t think we always know what is really going on in her little precious head. We just love her thru it all. By the way, i love reading about your day, because it always has something that makes me LOL!!
Love you all,
16 pounds!! I am so proud of you! That is WONDERFUL!! I need to take some hints from you. I’m so impressed that you did this over Christmas!!
Yeah, I’m totally jealous about you losing 16 pounds. Time to get my booty in gear! I wanna lose weight too!!!
Val, I’m with you! I’m so jealous of her loosing 16 lbs. Go Candace! I must get myself in gear. By the way, i’m reading all your posts and loving it. I love the snowman! So cute!! I’m going to miss you guys today…..:( I love my Mondays, but looks like you are doing lots of laundry.
Love you all,
I love that you are blogging your day! It is always fun to see the lives of other homeschool families. Also, we are doing a study this month on Snow and I just found all your great resources – what a wonderful surprise!! Thank you!
Great to see your day! I was just posting about ours too! How funny! Here’s my post…
Great job, Candace! Impressed that you got the motivation to get on with your day productively at that stage in the afternoon. I hate that part. We should all do this sometime…it’ll show where our time is wasted/invested !:)
Loved it, Candace! Thank you! And you know what? It made me feel better b/c it sounded just like one of our days (well, w/ a little less emphasis on the ‘schooling’ and such). But the tears, the struggles over the TV, the lack of motivation, the never-ending laundry…girl, I am there w/ you in it all! Ok, my questions are: What chapter book were you reading? What was the dinner you pulled out of the oven? And what time will you to bed tonite?
P.S. I kinda met my new “wake-up” goal and got up at 6:20am (supposed to be 6 but Alex’s alarm didn’t go off). Got my coffee mostly drunk AND Bible Study done before Drew up. I am SOOO jealous how late your kids sleep, what time do go to bed??
I loved reading about your day and homeschooling. You go girl!!
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