Links, Resources & Ideas
*An idea I am very excited about is having our own Passover (Seder) meal with some friends. There are 2 other friends along with our family that will be doing a unit on Passover along with Mrs. Katz and Tush, we are planning to prepare a Seder meal for our kids. Many of the details found on the website below (passover with kids) we will implement into our own dinner.
*HSS has lots of printables that you could use towards a lapbook or for notebooking to go along with the Mrs. Katz and Tush unit.
*This site is REALLY great for studying Passover with kids! (Some things I found here: free Passover coloring book, songs to listen to with your kids, videos for kids on Passover, 15 Step Seder Dinner plans…and more!) I plan to show my kids alot of things from this site!
*Print off this seder plate for your kids to color and paste together. I want to try and show them what each part of the Seder plate represents and means. (I’m not completely thrilled with this printable – if you find another craft of some sort for the Seder plate – with all the parts shown – let me know!)
*I love these ideas for teaching our kids about the 10 Plagues and making this come “alive” for them! I’m hoping to introduce these 1 per day leading up to our Passover dinner.
*Here are some fun ideas to review what the 10 plagues were. The website I mentioned before has an animated version of the 10 Plagues.
*Crayola has a Passover Symbols coloring page
*Here are 9 Passover Printables – word searches, crosswords, vocab sheets, etc.
*If you are looking for an actual Seder or Haggadah – the actual “service” or all the readings, here is a free one you can download and print!
*I would love to find a Jewish person to interview with the kids! (Any ideas, local friends?)
*I was pleasantly surprised by the amount of books and videos our library had on the topic of passover for kids! So, be sure and do a search at your library…you never know what treasures you may find!
More books about Passover
Thank you for this! I am creating a Passover unit study for our kiddos and I used most of your links! You have certainly made my life easier for doing this lol! We are really looking forward to this study since our son is hoping to become a missionary and really wants to spread the Word-as it is written.
Many blessings.