Hi friends, here is a daily run-down of what we’ll be doing each day in Hawaii so that you can know how to pray for us! 🙂
Keep in mind that Hawaii is 6 hours behind us!
First of all, the couple that is hosting us in Hawaii is on staff at Waialae Baptist Church. Outside of their apartment window is a valley where a housing development…or village as they call it…sits within their view. It has been their heart to minister to this village for years now, but they keep running into dead ends with trying to get in. Please pray that a door will OPEN for us to minister there. The couple who is hosting us feels that this could be even more important than the work we do for VBS there.
They want their church to develop a heart for missions as well as for this village…and they are hoping that by us going in to this village, the eyes and hearts of their church will be filled with love for this place too. It is not 100% safe for us to be going in here, but that is all I will say and leave it at that. We are hoping to go to the playground near that village and bring our balloons to make animals, face painting, songs to sing, Bible stories, fun for the kids!
Monday we will be prayer walking in this part of town…please pray that afternoon WITH us that God would open a door, that hearts would be open to the gospel and that relationships can be built. As a team we are praying like crazy that God will have us go where HE wants us to go…that He would open the doors where He wants us to be.
Friday evening July 3rd ~ arrive in Honolulu
Saturday July 4th ~ free day, dinner with host family for July 4th celebration
Sunday July 5th ~ church service, they will be commissioning us and all VBS workers, potluck lunch and meeting all our helpers for VBS, decorating the church, and VBS meeting.
Monday July 6th ~ afternoon prayer walking through Palolo village (where we hope to minister) and evening will be first night of VBS! Pray for the heart of each child and parent coming!
Tuesday July 7th ~ morning/afternoon possibly trying to get in to Palolo village, evening VBS
Wednesday July 8th ~ morning/afternoon meeting at playground near Palolo village to do fun activities with kids, evening VBS
Thursday July 9th ~ morning/afternoon meet at playground again for more activities with children, evening VBS
Friday July 10th ~ playground at Palolo village, evening VBS
Saturday July 11th ~ another free day, flight that evening to come home!
Sunday July 12th ~ after an all night flight, return home around 3pm (with all the time changes)
Again, thank you for your prayers! I don’t say that lightly…prayer is powerful and I am so encouraged by the many people that are praying for this trip. God has good things in store.
Praying for you!
I will be praying for safe travel and a successful trip for you and your family.
Wendy (TOS Crew)
Praying for you all!!!!
Have a wonderful, blessed trip! I’m praying right now for you that you will have a safe trip and bear much fruit!