If you are a long time reader of my blog, you know that I struggle with depression. I have tried many things to “beat” this thing…but alas, the Lord has allowed this for me for His purposes. Understanding that He is in control and that He truly has a purpose in this for me has been a tremendous encouragement to me.
I have tried various meds, you may remember. It seems that my body emotionally really likes lexapro. This is what helped me 4 years ago, and now it is helping me again.
But, physically, my body does NOT like lexapro so well. Carb cravings, craving all that soda again, eating a LOT…and ya’ll, I’m already gaining the weight again.
That is enough to lead you right back into depression, ya know what I mean??
For now, my emotional well being is taking precedence over everything else. I just canNOT live in the depression and be who I’m supposed to be as a wife, mother, homeschooler…so, I’m taking the meds. I am trying to be more active. Trying is the key word. I’m doing fairly well at doing some good walking a few times a week, an exercise video on other days…
But, it’s not helping. Yet anyway.
So, any other tips for surviving the cravings and hunger? I have googled around a bit and this seems to be a pretty common problem. Ugggg….
Hi Candace,
When you say “it’s not helping” are you referring to the weight loss while walking or the cravings?
I, for one, gain weight when I first start walking. Apparently, it’s a thing called muscle. I don’t see it but the scale sure says something is there.
I try to drink tons of water through out the day to fill up and when I do get a craving I ALWAYS have a fresh bin of veggies/fruit in the fridge. That helps me for the most part.
I know meds sometimes can be bad but then again when you see that it is helping you just have to take the good and bad and know your doing the best you can.
If not, I think you need a vacation to Sunny Florida! I’d love to finally meet you.
Chat later.
Candace- I suffer from cravings too…for me eating a little more protein and then upping the exercise helps. I have also noticed that the more I stay away from sugar the less I crave it.
Oh, I feel for you. While I have never experienced that kind of depression, I do know about weight gain. I have actually put on probably 15 pounds since October. Moving on from camp and the uncertainty of our next ministry was very stressful for me. I dealt well with most everything, except for the eating part. And it makes me feel really crummy to be so happy to be where God wants us to be, and so miserable with how I look. (By the way I ended up starting to read So Long Insecurity – thanks for the suggestion!!) I do know how to get the weight off, though, and it is coming – slowly. Here are my secrets. I really hope they can help you. Drink tons of water. I drink 96 oz. water a day. It truly does curb my appetite, and it makes me feel better. I do not allow any soda or juice into our home. My husband has had a serious soda addiction in the past. I know it sounds crazy, but it is true. It was killing his body. So he completely eliminated it over a year ago, and has not had a sip since. We only drink water, milk, and black coffee. The kids only drink water and milk. I am really into eating whole foods – foods that have not been processed. Food, in my opinion, how God intended food to be eaten. Stock up on nuts – almonds are a favorite here. Anything high in protein will curb your cravings and your appetite. Hummus, avocados, cheese, nut butters, etc. Buy things with whole wheat and whole grains. I find I have to keep the junk out of my house all together or else I eat it! I have lots more suggestions, but this is getting way too long. I can share with you some (healthy) supplements and some other foods that we incorporate into our diet that help with weight loss – such as chia seeds. Email me if you are interested. I will be praying for you!
Meds are definitely a two-edged sword. They do make you feel better, but the side effects are tough. Warm thought and prayers for you.
I gained weight on Lexapro, the only thing that helped me lose weight was to pretty much cut carbs. I would still have a sandwich for lunch, but that was about it. One trick I learned from smallnotebook.org was to drink a glass of water before eating or drinking anything else. That helped to curb cravings and portions because the water quenches thirst and fills you up a bit before you eat what it is you really want. Good luck, I do pray for you.
I have struggled a LOT with depression. I am on zoloft right now as it seems to be helping. I have weined myself off several times trying to make it without the meds due to weight gain etc… I have come to the decision now that if my emotional state is good and I can function at a better level than I am willing to accept the extra weight and try to get more active and have fun with the kids when the weather is warmer. I have to say though that it has taken me several years to get to this point. Big hugs to ya!!! How is the little man feeling today? Anyone else suffering with it yet?
I don’t have any smart words for you! sorry! But I did want to offer a {{{cyber hug}}}
I never would’ve guessed you battled depression. You have such a sweet, sunshiney smile that makes a person feel like you happy thru and thru. We truly never know what someone else is dealing with.
My mom has battled severe depression all of her life and I really feel helpless to help her. She can’t find medication to help. She’s allergic to everything they try.
Praise God you’ve found something that works for you!
I completely understand. When I was on Pristiq, I gained weight. About 20 lbs. to be exact and now I can’t get it off. I had to go up a clothing size. I am on Celexa now and the cravings don’t seem to be as bad. They are more associated with my cycle. But the weight is still there. I am so insecure about it too. I am terrible at exercise and eating right so I have no suggestions. I do offer my understanding heart.