All grace. Every moment. God is growing me in grace by teaching me to be thankful in all circumstances…thankful for each moment, the big and the small. Thank You, Lord!
7 years with a sweet girl
good weather for her party
watching my children play with their friends and cousins
twirly skirts on twirly girls
Sunday afternoon naps
friends to laugh with
making plans
fresh new planners (for the new school year we will start in June)
opening a box from amazon
new books
the prayers of many
hearing my girls learning their piano pieces
spontaneous “I love you’s” from children
sweet boy asking to wear his “work shirt” to church (he calls button down shirts work shirts because that is what daddy wears to work!) priceless!
handsome boy, sitting on daddy’s lap all through church
nearing the end of another school year
God’s goodness to show me (remind me) that we have accomplished much this year!
The reminder (from my sweet Savior) that this year held some difficult moments…another period in my life spent in the wilderness of depression…but yet, He brings to my mind all the good that also happened this year! Praise Him! We are not left as we are!
hope, in the midst of circumstances we can’t control, we have a Father who does have control…and He has our best in mind…and He holds us each step of the way
Great picture of the two of you!