I have really been enjoying Becky Higgin’s 12 Videos of Christmas that she has posted on her blog. (She is the creator of Project Life .)
AND, I got an email a few days ago that my Project Life kit had SHIPPED!! I should get it in the mail any day now! I can’t wait to get started! 🙂
If any of you are curious about what everything looks like in a Project Life – Amber Edition, here is the video for you.
And, then, if you are wondering WHAT IN THE WORLD you will take pictures of…Becky did this sweet video to help us out!! I love it so much! And this is what I want for my Project Life book…to capture our everyday moments…the things I think that I won’t forget, but probably will. That is why I scrapbook anyway, right?!
And, look, there is even a cute little button you can add to your blog, now! You can go here to get your own Project Life button! (I sound like an advertisement, don’t I? I promise, I do not work for Project Life! ha!)
I have decided I am going to do this. I’m very excited!! I have tons of scrapbooking materials and haven’t in years. But I love looking at our photos and I really want my children/family to enjoy them as well so I’ve decided to make this a priority.
I did make a comment on your post from a week ago on P.L. What was a part of your decision in choosing the amber over the turquoise? I’m trying to decide if the amber will be just too feminine for our 2 boy-2 girl family?
Tycker Mark sköter sig bättre och bättre ju längre serien går, detta är ju trots allt hans första säsong i elitserien. Märks att målvaktstränarna i DIF gör ett bra jobb med honom.
dit :IL EST TROP TOP !!!Je veux le même !! moi aussi je zieute tous les sac Vanessa B. dans le metro ! les nanas doivent penser que je vais leur piquer !!!Ah la la faut que je m’en fasse un !! tu me montreras au Café couture ?Des bisous !!!