It’s about that time! 🙂 I’m getting excited, what about you?? I have several of my “regular” blog readers on my team, how fun is that?!?! But, I did want to say that I am sorry because a few of you did NOT make it to my team!! I feel so badly…but there was a bit of a glitch and by the time all the names were added to the list, some of you were already put into other groups and I didn’t want to add work to anyone’s plate by asking them to change it. I know you will still have an AWESOME time on this journey, though!!
I am *hoping* to post weekly on my blog and would love it if you would share YOUR links to YOUR blog posts about Bible in 90 Days on those days, too!! There is no pressure to write consistently as you are reading, but it’s fun to read updates from others who are on this crazy adventure too!
Finally, there are a few bloggers on my team this time around!! I wanted to list their blogs all in one spot so that I can come back here and check them more easily. 🙂
Here is all my team, if they have a blog they wanted to share, you can click on their name. 🙂
Kerri (a long time bloggy friend!!) 🙂
Beverley (a new friend from Australia!! awesome!!)
Debbie (another long time blog reader!)
Rachel (a long time online friend from Five in a Row!!)
Diana (another online friend, from Homeschool Share!)
Ronda (my neighbor, how cool is that?!)
Melissa (my sister-in-law!) 🙂
Pam (crazy enough, she is close enough to be my neighbor too, and got placed in my group providentially!!)
Jennifer (friend from church!)
Carrie Joy (another online friend from Homeschool Share!)
Please be praying for these ladies as they come to your mind! And pray for me too, pretty please! Last time around I was only an encourager…this time around I am reading along with everyone!! So, keep us all in your prayers!! I know is going to be an exciting time!!
I am very excited {!!} … and nervous too! This seems so BIG and easy to fail but I am up for starting my year in a really good and positive way.
Thanks for being an encourager, a mentor, a read-along friend. I know you’ll do great. I’ll be praying for you.